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53020 As the disinfodemic has helped to accelerate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic across borders, a global consensus could emerge on the need for multi-stakeholder cooperation to contain the viral risks of disinformation. 由于虚假信息大流行加速了新冠病毒的跨国传播,我们有可能就开展多利益相关方合作 以消除虚假信息危害的必要性达成全球共识。
53021 The UNESCO policy briefs, authored by Dr. Julie Posetti of the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), and Professor Kalina Bontcheva of the University of Sheffield (UK), assess opportunities, assumptions and impacts of the disinfodemic, 由国际记者中心(ICFJ)的波塞蒂(Julie Posetti)博士和英国谢菲尔德大学的邦切娃(Kalina Bontcheva)教授共同撰写的《政策简报》评估了虚假信息大流行带来的机遇、假定和影响,
53022 and offer insights for responses that can be comprehensive, effective and aligned to internationally agreed human rights norms. 并就如何采取全面、有效和符合国际人权准则的对策发表了意见。
53023 The Policy Briefs propose possible solutions for tackling the COVID-19 disinfodemic, with a focus on new opportunities:   《政策简报》提出了应对新冠疫情虚假信息大流行的可能对策,重点关注以下领域的新机遇:
53024 For identification, monitoring and investigation of disinformation and the networks that propel it, along with normative, educational and credibility-labeling steps; 识别、监测和调查虚假信息和传播虚假信息的网络,以及规范、教育和可信性认证的步骤;
53025 For “sunset” clauses on emergency provisions that weaken and may normalize infringements on privacy, freedom of expression, access to information and other human rights norms; 为可能削弱隐私权、言论自由、信息获取和其他人权规范的紧急法规设定有效期限;
53026 For internet communications companies to put multi-stakeholder engagement into top gear, demonstrating a goodwill to improve policy and practices in support of access to quality information, including independent journalism, transparency on their controls of content, and redress mechanisms; 动员互联网通信企业最大限度地优化政策和实践,以支持优质信息获取,包括独立的新闻报道、公开透明的内容审核和矫正机制;
53027 For governments, internet communications  companies and other donors to support core funding for independent news media and fact checking efforts, with “no strings attached”; 动员政府、互联网通信企业和其他捐赠者“全力以赴”地为独立新闻媒体和事实核对工作提供核心资金;
53028 For policy makers and institutions to promote open data that contain provisions and due safeguards for privacy, especially with reference to surveillance and health data gathering; 政策制定者和机构应促进对隐私权予以必要保护的数据开放,特别是在监测和健康数据收集方面;
53029 For states to commit to transparency on strategies to combat the pandemic and recover from it, including public spending on pandemics and economic recovery plans, as a means to counter false information; and 各国应保证抗击疫情和恢复战略的透明度,例如在涉及疫情防控和经济复苏的公共开支方面,以此作为打击虚假信息的手段;