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53030 For internet communications companies to monitor and report on automated algorithmic responses to combat the disinfodemic, while addressing automation errors in the absence of human content moderators and the dilution of a robust appeal and correction method during the crisis. 互联网通信企业应监控和汇报打击虚假信息的智能算法对策,同时纠正自动化流程中的错误。这些错误的产生源自危机期间内容审核员的缺席以及申诉和纠错机制的弱化。
53031 As some countries experience declines in COVID-19 cases and deaths, their leaders and citizens are eager to get back to work, school, and play. 随着一些国家新冠肺炎确诊病例和死亡病例的减少,领导人和民众急切地希望恢复正常的工作、学习和娱乐生活。
53032 But restrictions need to be lifted slowly and strategically in order to successfully re-enter a new normal rather than lead to waves of lockdowns in the future, the World Health Organization's leaders said during a World Health Organization press briefing April 13. 但世界卫生组织的官员在世卫组织于4月13日召开的新闻发布会上说,要想成功地重新进入“新常态”,而不是今后导致一次又一次的封锁,就必须缓慢地、有策略地解除限制措施。
53033 WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that "while COVID-19 accelerates very fast, it decelerates much more slowly." 世卫组织总干事谭德塞说:“新冠病毒传播加速明显,但减速过程却慢得多。”
53034 "In other words, the way down is much slower than the way up," he said. “换句话说,(病例数)下降速度比上升速度要慢得多。
53035 "That means control measures must be lifted slowly, and with control. 这意味着必须缓慢地、有控制地取消限制措施
53036 It cannot happen all at once." ,不能一蹴而就。”
53037 Tedros announced new strategic advice for countries thinking about relaxing mitigation measures. 谭德塞宣布了新的新冠防控战略建议,各国在解除疫情限制措施前
53038 The six criteria are: ,应重点考虑6项标准:
53039 1 Transmission is controlled. 疫情传播已得到控制。