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53040 2 Health system capacities are in place to detect, test, isolate and treat every case and trace every contact. 卫生系统已具备发现、检测、隔离和治疗每个病例并追踪每个接触者的能力。
53041 3 Outbreak risks are minimized in special settings like health facilities and nursing homes. 卫生机构和疗养院等特殊环境中疫情暴发的风险已被降到最低。
53042 4 Preventive measures are in place in workplaces, schools and other places where it's essential for people to go. 工作场所、学校和其他人们必须前往的地方已采取预防措施。
53043 5 Importation risks can be managed. 输入性病例风险可控。
53044 6 Communities are fully educated, engaged and empowered to adjust to the new normal. 社区已通过充分教育、参与和授权来适应疫情“新常态”。
53045 "Every country should be implementing a comprehensive set of measures to slow down transmission and save lives with the aim of reaching a steady state of low level or no transmission," Tedros said. 谭德塞说:“每个国家都应实施一套全面措施来减缓疫情传播并拯救生命,以达到低传播或无传播的稳定状态。”
53046 Tedros also discussed low-income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that are looking at whether to implement restrictions. 谭德塞还谈到了非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲的低收入国家,这些国家正在考虑是否实施限制措施。
53047 "In countries with large poor populations, the stay-at-home orders and other restrictions used in some high-income countries may not be practical," he said, because residents may be living in crowded quarters, need to work to survive, may need to go to school to receive meals and, in some cases, escape abuse. “在贫困人口众多的国家,采取一些高收入国家的居家隔离和其他限制措施可能并不实际”,他说,这是因为居民的住处可能很拥挤,他们需要工作才能生存,学生或许需要去学校才能吃上饭,在某些情况下,才可以逃避虐待。
53048 "Physical distancing restrictions are only part of the equation, and there are many other basic public health measures that need to be put in place," he said. 他说:“物理距离限制只是应对措施的一部分,还需要采取其他基本的公共卫生措施。
53049 "When stay-at-home measures are used, they must not be at the expense of human rights." 所有的居家隔离政策不得以牺牲人权为代价。”