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53050 "Each government must assess their situation," he added, "while protecting all their citizens and especially the most vulnerable." 他补充说:“每个政府都必须评估各自状况,保护所有民众,尤其是最弱势的群体。”
53051 Meanwhile, President Donald Trump claimed that he not governors has the authority to reopen the US. 与此同时,美国总统特朗普声称让美国重新开放的权力在他手中,而不是各州州长手中。
53052 "It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons," Trump tweeted. 特朗普在推特上写道:“这个决定应该由总统来做出,我们有充分的理由。
53053 "With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue. 话虽如此,我和联邦政府正在与州长们紧密合作,而且这种合作会继续下去。
53054 A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!" 在听取各州州长以及其他人意见的基础上,我将很快做出决定!”
53055 While Trump has talked of reopening the country, there is no national quarantine order. 虽然特朗普谈到了重新开放美国,但美国并没有全国性的隔离命令。
53056 The federal government has released social distancing guidelines, but it is states and localities that have established various stay at home orders. 联邦政府发布了社交距离指南,但是颁布多种居家指令的是各州和地方政府。
53057 The president has demonstrated he is itching to get the US economy up and running again, but health experts have said it is too soon to name a date because the US is only just now nearing its peak. 特朗普总统已经表明,他急切地希望让美国经济恢复正常运转,但卫生专家表示,现在确定重新开放的日期还为时过早,因为美国的疫情刚刚接近峰值。
53058 However, Trump said he is forming a task force dedicated to "opening our country." 但特朗普说,他正在组建一个“复工”特别工作组。
53059 美国不断限制医疗物资出口之际,来自中国的物资正源源不断地运往美国。 미국이 지속적으로 의료물자 수출을 제한하는 가운데 중국 물자가 끊임없이 미국으로 향하고 있다.