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53070 华春莹写道: 다음은 해당 트위터 내용이다.
53071 “截至4月20日,中国已向美国提供了超过24.6亿个口罩,这意味着每个美国人能分到7个口罩。 “4월 20일까지 중국은 미국 측에 24억 6천만 이상 마스크를 제공했고, 이는 미국 1인당 7매에 해당하는 수량이다.
53072 此外,(中国)还提供了近5000台呼吸机和很多其他设备。” 밖에 (중국은) 5000개 호흡기 다수 기타 장비를 제공했다.”
53073 华春莹表示:“希望这能拯救更多生命。” “이로 많은 생명을 구할 있길 희망한다”고 대변인은 밝혔다.”
53074 In already poor Honduras, coronavirus pushes some into homelessness 在本已贫穷的洪都拉斯,冠状病毒导致一些人无家可归
53075 TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Poor Hondurans who were barely eking out a living selling basics on the capital's gritty streets prior to the coronavirus outbreak are now sleeping on those same streets as they can no longer afford their rent. 特古西加尔巴(路透社)-在冠状病毒爆发之前,贫穷的洪都拉斯人在首都多沙的街道上勉强维持生计,现在他们睡在同样的街道上,因为他们再也付不起房租了。
53076 Perla Maradiaga, a 35-year-old mother of two, had been selling water from a street stand, but now begs for donations after her sales collapsed since the government last month ordered offices and schools closed in an effort to contain the pandemic. 35岁的佩拉·马拉迪加(Perla MaraDiaga)是两个孩子的母亲,她一直在街头摊位上卖水,但自从政府上个月下令关闭办公室和学校以遏制疫情以来,她的销售额暴跌,现在她请求捐款。
53077 "This way you can get some food so your stomach isn't empty," she said, sitting on the ground with her 2-year-old daughter in her arms."But sometimes we can't get nearly enough to buy milk or diapers." “这样你就可以得到一些食物,这样你的胃就不会空了,”她说,怀里抱着她2岁的女儿坐在地上。“但有时我们买牛奶或尿布的钱远远不够。”
53078 Maradiaga is one of what locals say are at least three dozen informal economy workers in Tegucigalpa who can no longer afford the apartments they had previously been renting, and are now forced to spend the night on the streets, with no means of protecting themselves from infection. 当地人说,特古西加尔巴至少有30多名非正规经济工人负担不起之前租的公寓,现在被迫在街上过夜,没有办法保护自己不受感染,马拉迪加就是其中之一。
53079 She is especially worried that her kids will suddenly fall ill and will not be able to access proper care."If they get sick, are we going to just wait until they die?" 她特别担心她的孩子会突然生病,得不到适当的护理。“如果他们生病了,我们是不是就等他们死了?”