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53080 Reuters spoke to several homeless people who said they had previously lived in tenements in the historic center of Tegucigalpa or in neighborhoods on the city outskirts. 路透社采访了几名无家可归的人,他们说他们以前曾住在特古西加尔巴历史中心或城市郊区的公寓里。
53081 Since March 25, the government has been delivering care packages of basic foodstuffs door-to-door, which include items like beans, rice, hand sanitizer, and face masks.They estimate that some 3.2 million people had received the packages. 自3月25日以来,政府一直在挨家挨户地运送基本食品的关怀包裹,其中包括豆类、大米、洗手液和口罩等物品。他们估计大约有320万人收到了包裹。
53082 But the newly homeless who Reuters spoke said that without their own place, they had received nothing. 但接受路透社采访的新无家可归者表示,如果没有自己的地方,他们什么都没有得到。
53083 Honduras has reported nearly 600 confirmed coronavirus cases to date, as well around 50 deaths. 到目前为止,洪都拉斯已经报告了近600例确诊的冠状病毒病例,以及大约50例死亡。
53084 Roughly 40% of the population was already living in extreme poverty, with half of those subsisting on $1 or less a day, according to data from the national statistics institute. 根据国家统计局的数据,大约40%的人口已经生活在极端贫困中,其中一半人每天的生活费不超过1美元。
53085 The ranks of the poor are expected to swell, with the economy forecast to contract by about 3% this year, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America. 根据联合国拉丁美洲经济委员会(United Nations Economic Commission For拉丁美洲)的数据,预计穷人的队伍将会膨胀,预计今年的经济将收缩约3%。
53086 "We're all here because we don't have anywhere else to go," said Jose Cruz, a 27-year-old, who now camps out along with his mother. “我们都在这里,因为我们没有其他地方可去,”27岁的何塞·克鲁兹(Jose Cruz)说,他现在和母亲一起露营。
53087 "Kids, old people, women sleep here where it's dangerous," he said."I'm asking the president to listen because the people on the streets are not animals." “孩子、老人、妇女都睡在危险的地方,”他说。“我要求总统倾听,因为街上的人不是动物。”
53088 当前,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情全球蔓延。有关新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)的来源、传播等问题的报道和讨论中掺杂了许多不符事实的说法。 현재 코로나19가 세계적으로 퍼지고 있다. 코로나19(SARS-CoV-2)의 출처와 전파 등에 대한 보도와 논의에는 사실과 다른 이야기가 많이 섞여 있다.
53089 在社交媒体和一些传统媒体上,谎言、谣传和阴谋论甚嚣尘上。其传播者各有动机,有的意在诽谤抹黑政治和体制对手,有的甚至意图打击栽赃特定国家、民族及宗教。 소셜 미디어와 전통 매체를 통해 유언비어와 거짓 뉴스, 음모론이 난무한다. 유포자는 각기 다른 동기를 가지고 정치적 체제상의 적수를 비방하고 먹칠하며 심지어는 특정 국가, 민족, 종교에 죄를 뒤집어씌우려고 한다.