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53140 “We welcome the leadership shown by many women leaders in the present crisis in ensuring effective measures to protect their populations,” said Committee Chair Hilary Gbedemah. 委员会主席希拉里·歌德曼(Hilary Gbedemah)表示:许多女性领导人在当前 危机中确保采取有效措施以保护民众,我们对她们展现出的领导力表示欢迎。
53141 “The Committee would like to hear more women’s voices in rebuilding the economy and society after the pandemic,” Gbedemah added. 哥德曼还表示:委员会希望在大流行病后经济和社会重建过程中听到更多妇女的声音。
53142 Other measures in the guidance include addressing women’s increased health risks as primary caregivers for children and sick family members by ensuring early detection and treatment of COVID-19; 指导方针中的其他措施包括:通过确保及早发现和及早治疗2019冠状病毒病,解决妇女作为儿童和患病家庭成员的主要照料者而增加的健康风险;
53143 providing confidential access to sexual and reproductive health services through easy-to-access procedures such as online prescriptions for contraceptives; 通过在线避孕药具处方等容易获得的程序提供保密的性健康和生殖健康服务;
53144 ensuring continuous education through accessible educational tools; 通过普惠性教育工具确保持续教育;
53145 and facilitating access to protection orders and safe shelters for women and girls who are victims or at risk of gender-based violence. 为已经受害或正面临性别暴力危险的妇女和女童获得保护令和安全庇护所提供更多便利。
53146 “Because of pre-existing gender inequalities and deep-rooted discrimination, the consequences of the current crisis have affected women in a disproportionate manner, 哥德曼表示:由于已经存在的性别不平等和根深蒂固的歧视,当前危机的连锁反应对妇女造成了尤为严重的影响,
53147 while at the same time placing increased responsibilities on women’s shoulders at home, in the health workforce and in other sectors,” said Gbedemah. 同时也导致妇女在家庭、卫生工作队伍和其他部门承担了更重的职责。
53148 “Media reports have shown that incidents of gender-based violence against women and girls have risen due to domestic tensions resulting from confinement, pressure of home schooling and job losses.” 媒体报道显示,由于禁闭、家庭教育压力和失业造成的家庭紧张,针对妇女和女童的性别暴力事件已经有所增加。
53149 “The Committee also fears that the restrictive measures can lead to compounded and multiple discrimination against women belonging to disadvantaged and marginalized groups,” said Gbedemah. 哥德曼表示:还令委员会担忧的是,这些限制性措施可能导致本就属于弱势和边缘化群体的妇女遭到复合和多重的歧视。