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53150 The Committee further recommends targeted strategies for governments to mitigate the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older women, women and girls with disabilities, migrant, refugee and internally displaced women, indigenous women and girls and those belonging to minorities, women in detention, as well as lesbian, bisexual and transgender women. 委员会进一步建议各国政府采取有针对性的战略以减轻2019冠状病毒病大流行对老年妇女,残疾妇女和女童,移民、难民和境内流离失所妇女,土著妇女和女童,少数群体妇女,被拘留妇女,以及女同性恋者、双性恋和变性妇女的破坏性影响。
53151 “In their response to the crisis, States parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women must be guided by its principles of non-discrimination and gender equality, as well as by the principle of ‘Leave no one behind’ of the Sustainable Development Goals,” Gbedemah said. 哥德曼表示:《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的各缔约国在应对此次危机时,必须以不歧视和性别平等原则,以及可持续发展目标中的‘不让任何一个人 掉队’原则为指导。”
53152 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said today she was alarmed by restrictive measures imposed by several States against the independent media, as well as the arrest and intimidation of journalists, saying the free flow information was vital in fighting COVID-19. 联合国人权事务高级专员米歇尔·巴切莱特今天表示,几个国家对独立媒体采取限制性措施并逮捕和恐吓记者,她对此感到震惊并指出,保持信息的自由流动对于抗击2019冠状病毒病至关重要。
53153 “Some States have used the outbreak of the new coronavirus as a pretext to restrict information and stifle criticism,” Bachelet said. 巴切莱特表示:一些国家以新冠状病毒暴发为藉口,限制信息传播并压制批评。
53154 “A free media is always essential, but we have never depended on it more than we do during this pandemic, when so many people are isolated and fearing for their health and livelihoods. 自由媒体始终都很重要,但是在此次大流行病期间,这么多人被隔离并为健康和生计而担忧,我们对自由媒体的依赖程度前所未有。
53155 Credible, accurate reporting is a lifeline for all of us. 可信、准确的报道是我们所有人的生命线。
53156 The UN human rights chief also noted that some political leaders had directed statements towards journalists and media workers that created a hostile environment for their safety and their ability to do their work. 联合国人权事务高级专员也注意到,一些政治领导人发表直接针对记者和媒体工作者的言论,使他们的安全受到威胁,也影响了他们的工作能力。
53157 According to the International Press Institute there have been over 130 alleged media violations since the start of the outbreak, including more than 50 reported instances of restrictions on access to information, censorship and excessive regulation of misinformation. 据国际新闻学会称,自疫情暴发以来,已出现130多起据称打压媒体的行为,包括50多起限制媒体获取信息、对媒体进行审查和过度管制错误信息的报道。
53158 It reported that nearly 40 journalists have been arrested or charged in the Asia-Pacific, Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa for reports critical of the State response to the pandemic or for simply questioning the accuracy of official numbers of cases and deaths related to COVID-19. 据报告,在亚太、美洲、欧洲、中东和非洲地区,近40名记者遭到逮捕或指控,原因是在报道中批评政府应对大流行病的措施,或仅仅质疑2019冠状病毒病官方病例数和死亡人数的准确性。
53159 The actual number of media violations and arrests is probably far higher. 打压媒体和逮捕记者的实际数字可能还要高得多。