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53160 There have also been reports of journalists disappearing after publishing coverage critical of the COVID-19 response, and several news outlets have been closed by the authorities over their reporting. 还有报告称,有记者在发表批评2019冠状病毒病应对措施的报道后失踪,有几家新闻机构因报道工作而被当局关闭。
53161 “This is no time to blame the messenger. 现在不是责备报信人的时候。
53162 Rather than threatening journalists or stifling criticism, States should encourage healthy debate concerning the pandemic and its consequences. 各国不应威胁记者或压制批评,而应鼓励人们就此次大流行病及其连锁反应开展健康的辩论。
53163 People have a right to participate in decision-making that affects their lives, and an independent media is a vital medium for this,” Bachelet said. 人们有权参与影响其生活的决策,而独立的媒体是实现这一目标的关键媒介。巴切莱特表示。
53164 “Being open and transparent, and involving those affected in decision-making builds public trust and helps ensure that people participate in measures designed to protect their own health and that of the wider population and increases accountability.” 保持公开透明,让受影响的人参与决策,可以建立公众的信任,有助于确保人们参与措施的策划,保护他们自身和更广泛人群的健康,并加强问责制。
53165 Additionally, independent media provide medical professionals and relevant experts a platform to speak freely and share information with each other and the public, she said. 此外,独立媒体为医务人员和相关专家提供了平台,以畅所欲言、与同行和公众分享信息。
53166 The UN’s human rights chief echoed concerns raised by the Secretary-General about the “dangerous epidemic of misinformation” around the pandemic which generated confusion and more ill-health, 联合国人权事务高级专员赞同秘书长提出的关切——围绕此次大流行病的”虚假信息到处传播,十分危险”,造成混乱和更多的健康问题。
53167 and paid tribute to the journalists working in the independent media whose fact-checking provided truth and clarity. 高级专员还对为独立媒体工作的记者表示敬意,赞扬他们对事实的核查提供了真相并澄清事实。
53168 “Journalists are playing an indispensable role in our response to this pandemic, but unlike the grave threats posed to other essential workers, the threats media workers face are entirely avoidable. 巴切莱特表示:记者在应对此次大流行病的过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用,但不同于大流行病对其他基本岗位上的工作者造成的严重威胁,媒体工作者面临的威胁时完全可以避免的。
53169 Protecting journalists from harassment, threats, detention or censorship helps keep us all safe,” Bachelet said. 保护记者免受骚扰、威胁、拘留或审查,有助于保护所有人的安全。