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53170 A group of UN human rights experts urged Israel not to discriminate against thousands of Palestinian prisoners facing high-risk exposure to COVID-19 and to release the most vulnerable particularly women, children, older persons and those with pre-existing medical conditions. 联合国人权专家组敦促以色列不应歧视数千名面临2019冠状病毒病高感染风险的巴勒斯坦囚犯,并且应该释放监狱中的最脆弱人群,特别是妇女、儿童、老年人和原已患有疾病者。
53171 “There are currently more than 4,520 Palestinian prisoners, including 183 children, 43 women and 700 detainees with pre-existing medical conditions in Israeli jails. 专家们表示:目前以色列监狱中关押着超过4520名巴勒斯坦囚犯,其中包括183名儿童、43名妇女和700名原已患有疾病者。
53172 They remain dangerously vulnerable in the context of the current pandemic and the relative increase in the number of transmission rates in Israel,” said the experts. 在当前的大流行病和以色列国内病毒传播率相对有所上升的背景下,这些人正持续处于危险的脆弱处境。
53173 “Over the past month, Israel has released hundreds of Israeli prisoners as a preventive and protective step. 过去一个月,作为预防和保护措施,以色列释放了数百名以色列籍囚犯。
53174 It has not applied similar measures to Palestinian prisoners. 但当局没有对巴勒斯坦囚犯采取类似措施。
53175 This indicates discriminatory treatment towards Palestinians prisoners which would be a violation of international law,” they added. 他们还表示:这种对巴勒斯坦囚犯的歧视性待遇违反了国际法。
53176 The experts said prisoner releases should also include those in administrative and pre-trial detention. 专家们表示,释放的囚犯还应包括行政拘留和审前拘留者。
53177 “Israel should be taking steps to release those facing arbitrary measures as well as vulnerable groups in its prisons to reduce overcrowding and ensure the minimum conditions to prevent the spread of the virus.” 以色列应采取步骤释放那些面临任意措施的囚犯及监狱中的脆弱群体,以缓解监狱过度拥挤问题,并确保为预防病毒传播提供最起码的条件。
53178 They noted that family visits have been banned since the COVID-19 outbreak and access to lawyers restricted for Palestinian detainees. 专家们指出,自2019冠状病毒病暴发以来,家庭探访一直被禁止,巴勒斯坦被拘留者接触律师的机会也受到限制。
53179 “It is critical that any such measures are medically justified and, if so, alternative means for communication, such as video conferencing, should be made available. 至关重要的是此类措施应当具有合理的医学理由,如确有必要,则应为被拘留者提供诸如视频会议等其他通讯替代手段。