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53180 Special and more relaxed measures should also apply to children and women for visits.” 对儿童和妇女的探视也应采取特殊且更为宽松的措施。
53181 The experts also expressed serious concerns over reports that Israeli authorities are impeding efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19 in East Jerusalem. 专家们还对以色列当局据报正在阻碍遏制2019冠状病毒病在东耶路撒冷传播的努力表示严重关切。
53182 In one reported incident, Israeli authorities recently raided a testing clinic in the densely populated Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan under the pretext that its testing kits were provided by the Palestinian Authority. 据报,以色列当局近期对居住着大量巴勒斯坦人的锡勒万(Silwan)街区的一家检测诊所进行了突袭,理由是该诊所的检测试剂盒是由巴勒斯坦当局提供的。
53183 Israel has also arrested doctors. 以色列还逮捕了多名医生。
53184 “It is inconceivable that, in the current conditions, especially in light of the lack of testing kits and other equipment, Israel would undermine existing efforts to ensure that a larger portion of the Palestinian population is tested. 他们指出:无法想象的是,在目前的条件下,特别是检测试剂盒和其他设备短缺的情况下,以色列会破坏能够确保大部分巴勒斯坦人民接受检测的现有努力。
53185 Such efforts are especially needed when recent data suggests that rates of COVID-19 have significantly increased in occupied East Jerusalem,” they noted. 这种努力是当前尤其需要的,因为近期数据显示,2019冠状病毒病的感染率在被占领的东耶路撒冷已显著上升。
53186 Palestinians under occupation, as a protected population under international humanitarian law, should have equal access to treatment and testing without discrimination. 被占领下的巴勒斯坦人民是国际人道主义法规定的受保护人口,应不受歧视地平等获得治疗和检测。
53187 “Cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians to ensure protection, prevention and treatment of all is critical. 专家们表示:以色列人民和巴勒斯坦人民之间的合作对于确保所有人获得保护、预防和治疗至关重要。
53188 Such acts as raiding Palestinian clinics can only undermine such efforts,” the expert said. 诸如突袭巴勒斯坦诊所的行为只会破坏这种努力。
53196 家庭备置体温计、一次性医用口罩、医用外科口罩或N95/KN95 口罩、家用消毒用品等。 家に体温計、使い捨て医療用マスク、サージカル・マスクまたはN95/KN95マスク、家庭用消毒用品などを置いてください。