ID 原文 译文
53296 新冠肺炎目前还是主要通过飞沫传播和接触传播的疾病: The main routes of the virus infection remain respiratory droplets and contact.
53297 在某些特殊的条件下才可能发生气溶胶传播,例如进行临床气管插管等专业医疗操作时。 Aerosol transmission can only take place under certain conditions, such as in a medical operation of tracheal intubation.
53298 目前尚没有证据显示新型冠状病毒通过气溶胶传播。 Currently no evidence has shown the novel coronavirus can be transmitted through aerosol.
53299 Q3:戴口罩可以防止气溶胶传播吗? Q3: Can wearing a facemask prevent aerosol transmission?
53300 如果是在常规临床护理、一般的工作生活条件下,采取正确佩戴口罩的飞沫传播防护措施,是足以满足保护普通公众,而不被感染的。 A: Wearing masks helps prevent people from getting infected by airborne respiratory droplets in routine clinical care or daily work and life.
53301 Q4:还能开窗通风吗? Q4: Can we open windows for ventilation?
53302 在日常通风环境下,空气中一般不会有新冠病毒。 A: Usually the novel coronavirus cannot be found in a well-ventilated place.
53303 建议每天至少两次开窗通风。 It is recommended to open windows at least twice a day for ventilation.
53304 Q5:公众该如何预防气溶胶感染? Q5: How could the general public avoid aerosol infection?
53305 尽量避免前往密闭空间; A: 1. Avoid staying in places with poor ventilation.