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53306 自然通风的通风量很大,开开窗,病毒稀释到一定程度,风险就很低了; 2. Open windows to let in and out large amounts of air. It helps to dilute the virus concentration and reduce the risk of infection;
53307 电梯间通风很差,又是小空间,一定要戴口罩、小心触摸; 3. Wear a mask and do not touch anything in the elevator where the space is relatively small and with poor ventilation.
53308 勤洗手、勤擦洗、与他人隔开距离。 Keep yourself well informed
53309 需要重视,但无需恐慌! Excerpted from People’s Daily
53310 After a decade of uninterrupted growth, the global economy came to a sudden halt because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  全球经济在历经十年不间断的增长后,由于新冠疫情爆发戛然而止。
53311 The question now is not whether there will be a global recession but how deep it will be—and how quickly countries can overcome the health crisis and pave the way for economic recovery. 现在的问题不是会不会出现全球经济衰退,而是衰退到何种深度,是各国能以多快速度克服卫生危机,为经济复苏铺平道路。
53312 The answers to these questions will be particularly important for developing economies, which are likely to be hit hardest by the crisis. 这些问题的答案对于发展中国家尤其重要,因为他们受危机影响可能最大。
53313 Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, most developing countries were already on a shakier economic footing than they were in the run-up to the 2009 global recession. Their growth had dropped to its lowest level of the past decade. 即使是在新冠疫情爆发之前,与2009年经济衰退之前相比,大多数发展中国家的经济基础已经更为动摇,增速已降至过去十年的最低点,2009年之前的财政和经常账户盈余已变为巨额赤字,外债达到历史高位。
53314 These economies would have been hard pressed, in short, to mount an effective response even to a moderate global downturn. 简言之,这些经济体业已不堪重负,即使面对全球经济温和下滑都难以作出有效的应对。
53315 What they got instead was a simultaneous health and economic calamity without parallel in modern times. 而他们目前所遭遇的是近代史上无以伦比的卫生和经济双重灾难。