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53326 Sharp economic contractions tend to cause long-lasting damage in developing economies, lowering potential growth for an extended period after the recession, with grave impact on poverty and inequality. 经济大幅收缩往往会给发展中经济体造成持久的损害,在衰退后很长一段时间降低潜在增长率,对贫困和不平等带来严重影响。
53327 Policymakers have a narrow window to limit the pain—and shorten the duration—of the crisis.  在限制危机带来的痛苦和缩短危机持续时间方面,政策制定者的机会稍纵即逝。
53328 In developing countries, policymakers should do the best they can, focusing on the immediate priority—defusing the health crisis. 在发展中国家,政策制定者应当尽其所能,专注于眼前的优先事项——化解卫生危机。
53329 They need to adopt policies that save lives, safeguard livelihoods, help businesses weather the downturn, and maintain access to essential public services—tailored to local circumstances as needed. 他们需要采取政策措施挽救生命,保护生计,帮助企业度过经济下滑,并维持基本公共服务提供——必要时根据本地情况量体裁衣。
53330 They should also undertake measures to prevent the health crisis from flaring into a financial crisis. 他们也应当采取措施防止卫生危机演变为金融危机。
53331 But most developing countries cannot cope alone with the crisis because their circumstances are even more difficult.  但是,大多数发展中国家无法单独应对危机,因为他们的情况更加困难。
53332 Health systems in some of these economies are grossly underequipped. 其中有些经济体的卫生系统薄弱。
53333 Large segments of the population make their living in informal jobs, which means they lack a safety net and will be harder to reach and support in the midst of the crisis. 大量人口靠非正规工作谋生,这意味着他们缺乏社会保障,在危机中更难以获得救助。
53334 Small- and medium-size firms tend to be a mainstay of economic activity but they typically lack access to capital, which means a liquidity problem for these firms could quickly turn into a solvency crisis. 中小企业往往是经济活动的一个支柱,但他们通常缺少获得资金的渠道,这意味着这些企业的流动性问题有可能很快变为偿付能力危机。
53335 Developing economies likely to be hit hardest—those dependent on trade, commodities or tourism—tend to have higher concentrations of people in extreme poverty. 有可能受影响的最大发展中经济体(那些依赖贸易、大宗商品或旅游业的发展中经济体),往往集中了更多的极端贫困人口。