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53336 In the face of income losses, such populations would have a more difficult time complying with mitigation measures. 在面临收入损失时,这些人口往往更难遵守防疫措施。
53337 Overall, most developing countries lack the resources and the fiscal space necessary to employ policy packages that are large enough to support economic activity and get ahead of the crisis. 总体来看,大多数发展中国家缺乏必要的资源和财政空间,难以采取规模足够大的政策方案来支持经济活动和战胜危机。
53338 The World Bank Group and the IMF have responded in unprecedented ways, swiftly committing to deploy virtually all their lending capacity over the next 15 months to help developing economies manage the immediate response and speed up the recovery. 世界银行集团和国际货币基金组织以前所未有的方式做出响应,快速承诺在未来15个月部署基本上全部贷款能力,以帮助发展中经济体管理当前的应对和加快复苏。
53339 And the G20 economies agreed to suspend official bilateral debt repayments for the poorest countries—at least through 2020—so that they can invest these resources in fighting the pandemic. 二十国集团经济体一致同意暂停(至少是2020年)最贫困国家的双边债务偿还,使他们能够把资源用于投资抗击疫情。
53340 But much more is needed now to help developing economies. 但现在还需要做出更大努力来帮助发展中经济体。
53341 If the size of the policy response is not commensurate with the scale of the crisis today, the damage will require a much larger response later.  如果政策应对的规模与目前危机的规模不相称,日后就需要远比现在更多的措施来修复造成的破坏。
53342 We need to close ranks across the world—not just governments and international institutions but also private creditors and businesses. 全世界必须紧密团结起来,不仅仅是政府和国际机构,还有私人债权人和企业。
53343 Collectively, we must mobilize our boldest response ever to overcome the worst crisis in generations.  我们必须团结一致,拿出我们最大胆的对策来克服几代人以来最严重的危机。
53344 It is still within the global community’s power to avert the pandemic’s most dire potential outcomes—but we must act decisively now to contain the harm and lay the foundation for a robust recovery. 国际社会仍有力量扭转新冠肺炎大流行可能带来的最严重的后果,但我们必须立刻果断采取行动遏制疫情造成的破坏,为实现强劲复苏奠定基础。
53348 避免接触有发热、咳嗽等症状的人,如果遇到,需保持1 米以上距离。 発熱、せきなどの症状がある人と接触するのは避けてください。もし遭遇した場合は、1㍍以上の間隔を保ってください。