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53617 However, Gates added that he’s seen evidence to suggest that a coronavirus vaccine could be available within the government’s stated likely timeline of 18 to 24 months. 不过,盖茨补充道,他见过的案例显示,新冠疫苗有可能在政府所说的18到24个月的时间内研发出来。
53618 “The best scientists [are] working hard on this,” Gates told Guthrie. 盖茨告诉格斯里说:最厉害的科学家们正在努力研发疫苗。
53619 “In fact, in the last few weeks I’ve seen signs that we may get to the optimistic side of that time projection” for a vaccine. 事实上,过去几周我看到的迹象表明,我们有可能在18个月内研发出来。
53620 That estimate echoed what Gates wrote in a post on his personal GatesNotes blog on Thursday. 这一预测与盖茨上周四在个人博客“盖茨笔记”中发的帖子内容是一致的。
53621 Gates wrote in the post that vaccine timelines could range anywhere from just nine months to two years, but he believes an 18-month wait is more likely, which would mean a vaccine could be widely available sometime in the middle of 2021. 盖茨在帖子中写道,研发疫苗的时间短则9个月,长则两年,但他认为更可能是18个月,这意味着新冠疫苗将在2021年年中投入大规模生产。
53622 So far, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $250 million in funding to help the world develop an effective coronavirus vaccine, 迄今为止,比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会已经投资2.5亿美元(约合人民币17.7亿元)用于帮助世界研发有效的新冠疫苗。
53623 which he wrote in his blog post is “the only way to return the world to where it was before COVID-19 showed up.” 他在博客中写道,这是“唯一能让世界回到新冠病毒出现之前的方法”。
53624 Gates also remains critical of the US government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. 对于美国政府对新冠疫情的应对,盖茨仍然持批评态度。
53625 In March, Gates said the US “did not act fast enough to have an ability to avoid the [coronavirus] shutdown,” 三月份,盖茨曾说过,美国“对疫情反应不够快,错失了避免封锁的机会。”
53626 and he called President Trump’s decision to defund the World Health Organization (WHO) “as dangerous as it sounds.” 他还指出,特朗普总统决定从世界卫生组织撤资“和听起来一样危险”。