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53627 In the interview with “Today”, Gates called out the US government for not ramping up testing for COVID-19 as effectively as other countries. 在《今日》秀的访谈中,盖茨批评美国政府没有像其他国家一样有效加强对新冠肺炎的检测。
53628 "Many countries decided that at the national level, they would orchestrate the testing” for COVID-19, he said. 他说:许多国家决定从国家层面统筹安排新冠肺炎检测。
53629 “That hasn’t happened in the United States. It might not happen. 但美国不是如此,也可能不会发生。
53630 But, you know, the access to tests is just, you know, chaotic.” 但是,你知道,现在获得检测的渠道很混乱。
53631 Gates laid out what he believes the US government needs to do to step up testing measures in his blog post on Thursday. 盖茨上周四在博客帖子中写道,他认为美国政府需要加强检测措施。
53632 These steps include developing COVID-19 tests that can return results in less than a day, as well as providing tests to all health care workers and finding a way for people to take tests in their own homes. 这些措施包括研究出可以在一天时间内得出结果的检测方法,以及向所有医疗工作者提供检测服务,并设法让人们可以在家里进行检测。
53633 "Testing becomes extremely important as a country considers opening up,” Gates wrote, 盖茨写道:“随着国家考虑放松封锁,检测变得极为重要。”
53634 noting that most developed countries will be able to start considering reopening daily life returning to a “semi-normal” way of life that still includes social-distancing practices within the next two months. 他指出大多数发达国家将能在未来两个月内开始考虑重新开启日常生活——回到一种需要社交隔离的“半正常”生活方式。
53635 Coronavirus: New York couples can now tie the knot over Zoom 批准了! 纽约居民通过视频远程登记结婚
53636 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed an order allowing online marriages, as many weddings are cancelled under lockdown restrictions. 纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫签署了一项允许网上结婚的法令。眼下许多婚礼都因为封锁限制而取消了。