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53647 A virtual ceremony, complete with a registrar and witnesses, can then take place. 这样新人们就可以在有登记员和见证人的情况下在线虚拟登记结婚。
53648 Similar measures have been introduced in the US state of Colorado, where couples are being allowed to apply for marriage licences online. 美国科罗拉多州也采取了类似的措施,允许新人在网上登记结婚。
53649 Meanwhile, one county in Ohio is allowing people to obtain marriage licences online in specific circumstances, such as when one of the partners is a health care worker, suffers from a serious illness or has health insurance issues. 与此同时,美国俄亥俄州的一个县允许人们在特定情况下可以在线登记结婚,比如情侣中的其中一个人是医务工作者、患有重病或者有医保问题。
53650 4 things that can help to boost your immune system during the coronavirus outbreak 你知道吗? 做这4件事有助于提高自身免疫力
53651 There is an exception to the general rule that supplements won't really help prevent illness, and that's vitamin D (in moderate doses). 一般而言,补充剂无助于预防疾病,但有一个例外,那就是维生素D(但也需要适量服用)。
53652 Research has shown that the immune system needs vitamin D to fight off viruses while it won't protect you from getting the virus if you're exposed, it could reduce the severity of the illness and help make recovery easier. 研究显示,免疫系统需要维生素D来抗击病毒——不过如果你接触了病毒,维生素D也不能让你免于被感染,但是它可以减轻病情,助你更快康复。
53653 You can get vitamin D naturally through sunlight. 你可以通过晒太阳的天然方法获取维生素D,
53654 It's also found in some foods, including fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel, and in small amounts in beef liver, eggs, cheese, and mushrooms. 你也可以从一些食物中获取,包括鲑鱼、金枪鱼、马鲛鱼等脂肪含量高的鱼类,另外牛肝、鸡蛋、奶酪和蘑菇中也含有少量维生素D。
53655 One of the most evidence-supported ways to stay healthy also happens to be free getting enough sleep. 有一个经过多次证实的保持健康的免费方法,那就是充足的睡眠。
53656 That means 7-9 hours each night for most people, according to Harvard Health. 《哈佛健康》称,对于多数人这意味着每晚7到9个小时的睡眠时间。