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53657 While you're asleep, your body uses that time to do critical recovery and repair of essential functions, including your immune system. 在你睡觉的时候,你的身体利用这段时间进行关键的复原和重要功能的修复,包括对免疫系统的修复。
53658 Just one night of poor sleep can reduce your immune cells by as much as 70%, research shows. 研究显示,一晚睡不好觉就能减少多达70%的免疫细胞。
53659 Exercise can keep your body functioning well, since research shows that it reduces inflammation and supports infection-fighting cells. 锻炼可以让身体正常运作,有研究表明锻炼可以减轻炎症,支持抗击感染的细胞。
53660 If you're working from home or staying out of the gym, there are plenty of ways to still get your sweat on body movements like burpees, lunges, push-ups and more can give you a quick full-body workout with no equipment. 如果你在家工作或者无法去健身馆,你也有很多方法可以挥汗如雨——波比跳、箭步蹲、俯卧撑等身体运动都能让你在没有器械的情况下让全身迅速得到锻炼。
53661 As an added bonus, endorphins from exercise also reduce stress. 锻炼还有一个额外的好处——锻炼时分泌的内啡肽可以减轻压力。
53662 Stress can also make a big difference for your immune system, particularly when there are alarming or uncertain events happening in the world around you. 压力对于你的免疫系统影响也很大,尤其是在身边发生了令人担忧或不确定的事件时。
53663 Yes, this means managing fears good strategies include taking breaks from social media and relying on trustworthy media sources for information, both of which can help you avoid panic and misinformation. 这意味着你要控制自己的恐惧情绪——比较好的策略包括暂时不看社交媒体、只从可靠的媒体来源获得信息,这两者都能帮助你避免恐慌和不实信息。
53664 How you choose to relax will vary from person to person, whether that's taking a walk outside, curling up with a favorite book, or taking time to meditate or practice yoga or another soothing habit each day. 至于放松的方式就因人而异了,你可以选择去外面散步,蜷起来读你最爱的书,也可以每天花时间冥想、练瑜伽,或者是其他让你感到舒缓的习惯。
53665 GSK and Sanof i join forces to work on coronavirus vaccine 英法制药巨头联手研发新冠疫苗 明年或大量上市
53666 Two of the world’s biggest vaccine companies have joined forces in an “unprecedented” collaboration to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. 世界上最大的两家疫苗公司展开“前所未有”的合作,联手研发新冠肺炎疫苗。