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53667 GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi, which combined have the largest vaccine manufacturing capability in the world, are working together on a hi-tech vaccine they say could be in human trials within months. 英国葛兰素史克公司和法国赛诺菲集团正在合作研发一种高科技疫苗,这两家公司加起来拥有世界上最大规模疫苗生产能力。两家公司称,这种疫苗可能在数月后开始进行人体试验。
53668 The pairing is significant because, if successful, the two companies have the capacity to manufacture the hundreds of millions of doses that are likely to be required worldwide. 这一合作意义重大,因为一旦成功,两家公司有能力生产出全世界可能需要的数亿剂疫苗。
53669 Emma Walmsley, the chief executive of GSK, described the collaboration as “unprecedented”. 葛兰素史克首席执行官埃玛·沃姆斯利称,这一合作“前所未有”。
53670 She said: “What is not common is you’ ve got two of the biggest vaccine manufacturers in the world coming together. 她说:“世界上最大的两家疫苗生产商走到一起,这并不常见。
53671 Both bring significant manufacturing capacity. 二者都会带来巨大的生产能力。
53672 We believe we’ll be able to make hundreds of millions of doses by the end of next year.” 我们相信,到明年年底,我们将能够生产出数亿剂(疫苗)。”
53673 Paul Hudson, the chief executive of Sanofi, said: “As the world faces this unprecedented global health crisis, it is clear that no one company can go it alone. 赛诺菲首席执行官保罗·赫德森说:“在世界面临这一前所未有的全球性卫生危机之际,显然没有任何一家企业能够单打独斗。
53674 That is why Sanofi is continuing to complement its expertise and resources with our peers, such as GSK, with the goal to create and supply sufficient quantities of vaccines that will help stop this virus.” 正因为如此,赛诺菲将继续与葛兰素史克等同行企业互相补充专业技能和资源,目标是生产和供应足够数量的疫苗,从而帮助遏制新冠病毒。”
53675 Sanofi, which is headquartered in France, announced in February that it was entering the race to make a vaccine and had secured support from the US health department. 总部位于法国的赛诺菲今年2月宣布,它将加入生产疫苗的行列,并已获得美国卫生部门的支持。
53676 GSK is already offering access to its technology to smaller teams, such as a vaccine effort at the University of Queensland, but this is the first collaboration that would have the ability to rapidly scale up manufacturing. 葛兰素史克已经在向规模较小的团队提供技术,比如澳大利亚昆士兰大学的疫苗项目,但与赛诺菲的合作是首次能够快速提升生产规模的合作。