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53677 Two companies joining forces, rather than competing, in a vaccine effort is extremely unusual, but the urgent need for a Covid-19 vaccine and the potential scale of the market is also not a typical situation. 两家公司在疫苗研发领域展开合作而不是竞争,这是极其罕见的。不过,对于新冠疫苗的迫切需求和市场的潜在规模也并不常见。
53678 The vaccine is based on an existing DNA-based technology that Sanofi uses to make its flu vaccine. 两家公司合作研发的这种疫苗将基于赛诺菲用于生产流感疫苗的现有脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)技术。
53679 When the coronavirus invades the body, immune cells fight back by producing antibodies. 当新冠病毒入侵人体时,免疫细胞通过产生抗体进行反击。
53680 These antibodies bind to specific structures on the foreign invader, called the antigen. 这些抗体会与外来入侵者身上的特定结构结合在一起,这些特定结构被称为抗原。
53681 In the case of Covid-19 the antigen is a spike-like protein on its exterior. 就新冠病毒而言,抗原是其表面的一种刺突状蛋白。
53682 Sanofi has synthesized a stretch of DNA that encodes the genetic sequence of that protein. 赛诺菲合成出了一种对这种蛋白的基因序列进行编码的DNA片段。
53683 When this DNA is inserted into a harmless bacteria in the lab, it churns out little copies of the antigen but not of the active coronavirus itself– which it hopes will trigger an antibody response, without causing illness. 当这段DNA被植入实验室里的一种无害细菌时,它会产生大量微小的抗原副本,而不是活性新冠病毒本身。赛诺菲希望它们能够在不引发疾病的情况下触发抗体反应。
53684 GSK is contributing an add-on, known as an adjuvant, that can be mixed in with a vaccine to trigger a stronger immune reaction. 葛兰素史克将贡献一种被称为佐剂的附加物质。它可以与疫苗混合,引发更加强烈的免疫反应。
53685 The same technology was used in the H1N1 flu pandemic. 这种技术也曾应用于甲型H1N1流感的疫苗研发。
53686 On Tuesday, Walmsley said GSK would not profit from the vaccine during the pandemic and that any revenue would be reinvested in scaling up manufacturing and into research on pandemic preparedness. 本周二(4月14日),沃姆斯利表示,葛兰素史克不会在新冠疫情期间从疫苗中获利,所有收入都将用于扩大生产规模和疫情应对相关研究。