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53687 The companies plan to start phase one trials in the second half of this year and, if successful, say the vaccine could be widely available by the second half of 2021. 两家公司计划在今年下半年开始第一阶段临床试验,并表示,一旦试验取得成功,这种疫苗可能会在2021年下半年大量投放市场。
53688 These European countries are slowly lifting coronavirus lockdowns 意大利等欧洲国家逐步取消封锁措施,重新开放学校和商店
53690 Italy—which has witnessed the second highest number of COVID-19 deaths after the United States—began lifting some lockdown measures on April 14. 新冠肺炎死亡率仅次于美国的意大利从4月14日开始取消部分封锁措施。
53691 Italy was the first country to lockdown in Europe but has seen a recent decline in the total new daily cases. 意大利是欧洲首个采取封锁措施的国家,但最近意大利的单日新增病例数量有所下降。
53692 Now, some establishments, such as bookstores and children’s clothing stores, have been allowed to open under the condition that customers wear protective masks and gloves. 现在,意大利允许书店和童装店等部分商店营业,前提是顾客必须佩戴口罩和手套。
53693 These businesses must enforce social distancing and sanitize their shops twice a day. 这些店铺必须实行社交隔离措施,而且每天要给商店消毒两次。
53695 France has extended its lockdown for an additional four weeks but says it plans on slowly reopening schools starting May 11. 法国将封锁期限又延长了四周,但表示计划从5月11日起逐渐重新开放学校。
53696 France was placed under strict lockdown on March 17, with citizens only allowed to leave their homes for exercise and essential groceries and medication. 法国从3月17日开始执行严格的封锁措施,法国公民只有在锻炼和采购必需的食品杂货和药品的情况下才能离家。
53697 Anyone breaking the rules has been subject to fines. 任何违反规定的人都会被罚款。
53699 German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that some lockdown restrictions could be lifted by April 20, after a four week lockdown that began on March 22. 德国总理安格拉·默克尔宣布,4月20日起可能会取消部分封锁限制。德国从3月22日开始封锁全国,已经持续四周。