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53700 Students will gradually return to school starting May 4 and some stores will be allowed to open but with strict rules regarding social distancing and sanitizing. 学生将从5月4日开始逐渐返校,部分商店将能够开门营业,但必须严格遵守关于社交隔离和消毒的规定。
53702 This week, an estimated 300,000 non-essential employees went back to work in the Madrid region, as Spain lifted some of its lockdown measures which have been in place since March 15. 随着西班牙取消部分封锁措施,本周马德里地区估计有30万非必需岗位的职员复工。西班牙从3月15日开始实行封锁措施。
53703 Spain—which has the second highest number of cases worldwide and an above-average fatality rate at 10.1%—has allowed some industries, such as construction, to return to work while bars and restaurants remain shut. 西班牙已经允许建筑业等部分行业复工,而酒吧和餐厅依然不能营业。西班牙的新冠肺炎确诊病例数量高居全球第二,死亡率也高于平均水平,达到10.1%。
53704 Currently, the lockdown will remain in place until April 26 but could be extended. 目前西班牙的封锁措施将持续到4月26日,但也有可能延长。
53705 Meanwhile, the police are distributing more than 10 million face masks to those individuals returning to work. 与此同时,警察正在向复工人员分发超1000万个口罩。
53707 Garden centers and small stores have reopened in Austria but customers are required to continue social distancing and must wear masks. 奥地利的花店和小商店已经重新开门,但顾客必须继续保持社交距离并佩戴口罩。
53708 After Italy, Austria was the first European country to impose lockdown measures. 奥地利是继意大利之后首个强制执行封锁措施的欧洲国家。
53709 Now, it’s one of the first European countries to lift lockdown measures. 现在,奥地利成了最早取消封锁措施的欧洲国家之一。
53710 The government says it has now flattened the curve of new infections and plans on slowly lifting restrictions. 奥地利政府表示,新增感染人数已经进入平台期,计划逐渐取消封锁措施。
53712 Denmark plans on easing the mitigation strategy after the latest numbers revealed a lower number of new cases than expected. 最新数据显示丹麦的新增病例低于预期,因此丹麦计划放松防控策略。