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53713 On March 12, the government limited gatherings, increased testing and sanitizing efforts. 丹麦从3月12日开始限制聚会,并加强检测和消毒。
53714 Now, children have returned to schools and some churches were opened for Easter last weekend. 现在,孩子们已经回归学校,上周末的复活节部分教堂对公众开放。
53715 All large gatherings and festivals, however, remain canceled until the end of August. 不过,八月底前仍将禁止一切大型聚会和节日活动。
53717 Prime Minister Erna Solberg has said lockdown measures will be slowly lifted starting April 20 as children go back to school. 挪威首相埃尔娜·索尔贝格表示,4月20日起将逐渐取消封锁措施,孩子们也将回归学校。
53718 “Our ambition is for all students to somehow get back to school before the summer,” she said. 她说:“我们的目标是在夏天前让所有学生回归学校。”
53719 Czech Republic 捷克共和国
53720 When the COVID-19 outbreak hit Europe, Czech Republic imposed stringent measures, declaring a state of emergency on March 14. 新冠肺炎疫情在欧洲暴发后,捷克共和国执行了严格的措施,并于3月14日宣布进入国家紧急状态。
53721 Citizens were required to cover their faces when leaving their homes and the country implemented restrictions on travel. 捷克公民离家时必须遮住面部,该国还实施了严格的旅行限制措施。
53722 Now, the government is lifting these measures. 现在,捷克政府正在取消这些措施。
53723 Shops and outdoor sport facilities have reopened and children will slowly return to school, though high schools will likely remain shut until Sept. 1. 商店和户外体育设施重新开放,孩子们将逐渐回归学校,不过高校可能要到9月1日才能开学。