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53724 By May 25, restaurants, pubs and liquor stores with outdoors patios will be permitted to open as well as salons and galleries. 5月25日前,餐厅、酒吧和有户外露台的贩酒商店以及美发店和美术馆将可以开门营业。
53725 By June 8, all retail stores will be allowed to open their doors to customers. 到6月8日,所有零售店都将能开门迎客。
53726 How has the current complex COVID-19 situation influenced/inspired you both positively and negatively? 当前复杂的新冠疫情给你带来了哪些积极和消极影响?
53727 At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, I was very worried, just like anyone else. 在新冠疫情爆发之初,我和其他人一样非常担心。
53728 I was afraid of what might happen to my family, friends, students, and many others. 我的家人、朋友、学生和许多其他人的安危令我牵挂。
53729 Coming from Sarajevo, this crisis also triggered memories of the 1990s war in the Balkans–I remembered what it means to live in a time of collective disaster, when everyone you know is affected by a collapse of the social, political and economic system– 作为一个萨拉热窝人,这场危机也唤醒了我对1990年代巴尔干战争的记忆:当时,我认识的所有人都受到社会、政治和经济体系崩溃的影响。我知道生活在集体灾难时期意味着什么。
53730 and I was terrified about the potential effect of the pandemic on the entire world. 因此,我曾对这一流行病可能对整个世界产生的影响感到恐惧。
53731 But these memories of war in Bosnia also made me realize that what matters most, at the time of an existential crisis, are qualities of our human connections. Things like solidarity, empathy, and kindness. 但是,关于波斯尼亚战争的记忆也让我意识到,在威胁人类生存的危机时期,人际关系的品质至关重要,比如团结、同情和善良。
53732 It is so inspiring to see all these new forms of generosity emerging all over the world–from young people doing grocery shopping for the elderly as a way of protecting them, to people getting crafty and producing PPE* for first responders, to fundraising campaigns for people who lost their jobs 世界各地涌现的善举令人振奋——从年轻人替老年人购买杂货以保护他们免受感染,到人们千方百计为应急响应人员生产个人防护用品,再到为失业者举办筹款运动——
53733 we can see that, aside from hoarding food and disinfectants, or profiteering from masks and ventilators, existential crises like COVID-19 also bring out the best in humanity. 我们可以看出,除了囤积食物和消毒剂或从口罩和呼吸机中牟取暴利,像新冠疫情这样的生存危机彰显了人性中最美好的一面。