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53734 As much as we are going through a difficult time right now, I believe that this time can be about personal and collective growth, that we see this crisis as an opportunity to create a better world. 尽管我们正在经历一段艰难的时期,但我相信个人和集体都将在这场危机中有所成长,相信我们可以把这场危机看作是创造一个更美好世界的机会。
53735 The Co-MASK is a global collaborative effort that I initiated to create fabric masks that promote hope, humanity, and hygiene practices in time of crisis. “联合口罩”是我发起的一个全球合作项目,旨在生产织物口罩,以在这一危机时期传播希望、人道主义和卫生措施。
53736 The project offers instructions in many languages on how to make masks in individual sizes at home, and without a sewing machine. 该项目以多种语言提供指导,让人们无需缝纫机即可在家中自制口罩。
53737 We hope to inspire people around the world to create these masks for their families, friends, and their communities to advocate self-isolation, hygiene practices, and heartfelt human connection. 我们希望鼓励世界各地的人们为他们的家人、朋友和社区制作口罩,以倡导自我隔离、卫生习惯和真挚的人际交往。
53738 By covering and isolating yourself, you protect others. 戴口罩和自我隔离可以保护他人。
53739 With their kissing lips and smiling moustaches, these masks are a symbol of hope and love. 这些口罩上印着亲吻的嘴唇和微笑的胡子等图案,它们是希望与爱的象征。
53740 The Co-MASK initiative was born at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, when there was no public awareness about the virus and public authorities had just begun to advocate for “social distancing.” “联合口罩”倡议诞生于新冠疫情爆发之初,当时公众对该病毒缺乏认识,而各国政府刚刚开始倡导“保持社交距离”。
53741 Many were just ignoring these safety recommendations. 许多人直接忽略了这些安全建议。
53742 Many started reacting in fear, avoiding even the eye contact with passers-by. 还有许多人开始恐慌,甚至不敢与路人眼神接触。
53743 Acts of racism against Asian people increased. 针对亚洲人的种族主义行为增多。