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53744 Rather than serving collective protection, the notion of social distancing was turning into “social alienation.” “保持社交距离”的概念被扭曲成了“社会异化”,而不是为了保护集体的健康做出贡献。
53745 After many sleepless nights, I woke up one morning with the question in mind: How can I be useful in this time?  Having a sewing machine at home, I got up and made the first two kissing and smiling mask prototypes. 在经历了许多个不眠之夜后,一天早晨,我醒来时想到了这样一个问题:危机时期,我能发挥什么作用?我家里有一台缝纫机,于是我动手制作了两个亲吻和微笑口罩的原型。
53746 I developed simple instructions for hand-sewing and wrote an email to our community at the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT*, inviting colleagues, students, and alumni to join me in developing this project. 我编写了简单的手工缝纫指南,并向麻省理工学院(MIT)建筑与规划学院的同仁发送了一封电子邮件,邀请同事、学生和校友与我一起开发这个项目。
53747 I was completely overwhelmed by the outbursts of support. 我获得的支持大大超乎我的意料。
53748 Many started taking on translations into their native languages, asking their family and friends for help, inspiring others to make masks, raising awareness. 许多人开始将口罩制作指南翻译成自己的母语,向家人和朋友寻求帮助,鼓励他人制作口罩,提高人们的认识。
53749 The collaborations took off beyond MIT, virally so to say, all around the world. 这一合作项目在麻省理工学院之外迅速发展起来,可以说,它已经扩散到了世界各地。
53750 "I'm supporting this initiative as I believe it's our duty as practitioners to spread awareness and identify affordable solutions for those who don't enjoy the luxury of accessing accurate information and resources. “我支持这一倡议,因为我相信作为从业者,我们有责任提高那些无法获取准确信息和资源的人的认识,并找到低成本的解决方案。
53751 Nevertheless, we shall constantly reflect the positive humane spirit in our work. 尽管如此,我们还是要不断地在工作中体现出积极的人文精神。
53752 Do it with love, solidarity and hope that this would support someone, somewhere to get a bit safer." 我们带着爱与团结从事这项工作,希望我们的项目能让有些地方的有些人得到更多保护。”
53753 Amani Alshaaban supported translation in Arabic and dissemination in Jordan; architect and urban development planner, co-founder of Think-Fast: a collective urban response to COVID-19 ——阿尔沙班(Amani Alshaaban)参与了口罩制作指南的阿拉伯文翻译并在约旦传播了这份指南;他是一名建筑师和城市发展规划师,也是“快速思考:新冠疫情的城市集体对策”倡议的联合发起人。