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53754 UNESCO's work focuses a lot on the most vulnerable groups affected by this crisis. 教科文组织十分重视受这场危机影响的最弱势群体。
53755 It is calling for more dialogue, inclusion, solidarity and tolerance, at all levels. 本组织正在各层级促进对话、包容、团结和宽容。
53756 UNESCO’s work resonates very much in this initiative, from the way we run the project to the instructions and the design itself. 教科文组织的工作与我们的倡议有密切的联系,从我们运行项目的方式到口罩制作指南和设计本身。
53757 The Co-MASK is now developed by a global network of individuals who don’t even know each other in person, but who collaborate across borders to address a shared concern. “联合口罩”倡议现在由一群分散在世界各地的个人运行,他们彼此并不认识,却能够开展跨国合作,以解决共同的关切。
53758 We want to raise awareness about the risks of COVID-19 infection and the need for physical distancing and self-isolation, while advocating at the same time for solidarity with the most vulnerable in our global community. 我们希望让人们认识到感染新冠病毒的风险,以及保持社交距离和自我隔离的必要性,同时提倡帮助全球社区中最弱势的群体。
53759 This is why the sewing instructions are translated into 25 languages. 这就是为什么口罩制作指南已经被翻译成25种语言。
53760 The masks can be made with minimal materials and tools, which can be easily found in many locations. 制作口罩需要的材料和工具非常简单,在很多地方都可以很容易地获取。
53761 Many of our translators have also adapted the content of the sewing instructions to their local contexts, addressing either cultural concerns or availability of certain materials. 我们的许多翻译人员也根据当地情况调整了制作指南的内容,以解决文化方面的问题或某些材料的短缺问题。
53762 We are continuing to develop this global effort: our volunteers are currently developing an open source graphic kit that would enable different NGOs working in refugee camps, deprived communities, and various crisis zones to use these images for free in their advocacy and awareness raising work. 我们正在继续推进这一全球努力:我们的志愿者正在开发一个开源的图像工具包,供在难民营、贫困社区和各种危机地区工作的非政府组织能够在其宣传和提高认识工作中免费使用。
53763 Most importantly, the mask is personalized in terms of both of dimensions and design. 最重要的是,口罩的尺寸和设计都是个性化的。