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53764 The sewing pattern is legible to analphabets. It is based on the mask carrier’s hand dimensions, thus transcending metric and imperial measuring systems, making each mask unique for each person. 缝纫方法通俗易懂,以口罩佩戴者的手的大小为基础,既避免了不同度量系统之间差异的影响,也使每个口罩都具有个人特色。
53765 These person-specific masks give visual form to pluralism. 这些个人定制的口罩是多元主义的视觉表达。
53766 In a world traversed by zones of contact in which lifestyle choices have become targets for reactionary forms of identity paranoia, wearing a mask can be perceived as a threat. 当今世界,身份偏执导致公共场合经常发生针对不同生活方式选择的排斥行为。在这一背景下,戴口罩在某些地方会被视为一种威胁。
53767 The Co-MASK transcends the fear of the other through humour. “联合口罩”倡议用幽默超越对他者的恐惧。
53768 "The Co-MASK initiative can be seen as an extension of our responsibilities as global citizens. “‘联合口罩’倡议是我们作为全球公民的责任的延伸。
53769 To burgeon this initiative forward I would urge and encourage institutions both private and state along with innovators, designers, and translators to keep collaborating so that Co-MASK can reach every nook and corner where it is required the most." 为了促进这一倡议的发展,我将敦促和鼓励私营和国家机构与创新者、设计师和翻译人员保持合作,使‘联合口罩’能够触及每一个最需要它的角落。”
53770 Shatavisha Mustafi supported translation in Bangla, Hindi and Kannada; Ph.D. candidate at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Fulbright-Nehru doctoral visiting fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ——穆斯塔菲(Shatavisha Mustafi)参与了制作指南的孟加拉语、印地语和坎那达语翻译工作;他是印度尼赫鲁大学博士候选人、麻省理工学院富布莱特-尼赫鲁奖学金博士访问学者。
53771 You are also a member of the Jury for the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture. What do you think should be UNESCO's added value in times like these? What after COVID-19? 你也是联合国教科文组织沙迦阿拉伯文化奖评委会成员。你认为在这样的时期,教科文组织能够发挥什么作用?新冠疫情之后呢?
53772 The COVID-19 pandemic is projected to have severe effects on the global economy and the associated social inequalities. 预计新冠疫情将对全球经济和相关的社会不平等产生严重影响。
53773 The severity of these effects gives us just a glimpse into the possible future of life under climate change: it is an alarming call to action, to shift our usual ways of being and working, to act as one united planet. 从这些影响中我们窥见了气候变化下的未来生活的样子:我们必须改变我们习以为常的生存和工作方式,作为一个统一的星球采取行动。