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53774 There is no second planet Earth. 地球只有一个。
53775 The eradication of poverty through sustainable development, peace building and a dialogue across borders, which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission are as relevant as ever before, if not more. 通过可持续发展、构建和平和跨国对话消除贫困是教科文组织的一大核心使命,这一使命的重要性空前突出。
53776 If we are to build more resilient communities, I believe that culture is an essential and powerful vehicle for achieving these aims.  我相信文化是建设更有韧性的社区的重要而有力的工具。
53777 Thinking of the rapidly growing numbers of displaced people, I think that we need to rethink some of the parameters on which our crisis responses are built, which mainly focus on supporting the basic biological needs of refugees. 考虑到流离失所者人数的迅速增加,我认为我们需要重新思考我们应对危机所依据的一些参数,这些参数主要侧重于满足难民的基本生存需求。
53778 I believe that it is imperative to develop tools for the cultural resilience to enable affected communities to overcome adversity and the danger of cultural erasure, social divisions, and marginalization of population on the move to safe grounds. 我认为,必须开发增强文化韧性的工具,使受影响社区能够克服逆境和文化割裂、社会分裂以及移居安全地点的人口边缘化的危险。
53779 This is where UNESCO, with its established networks and global outreach, can play a vital role. 在这方面,联教科文组织可以凭借其已经建立的全球网络发挥重要作用。
53780 "Collectiveness and thread of continuity are reflexive social defence mechanisms in times of crisis. “集体精神和连续性是危机时期反应性的社会防御机制。
53781 While acknowledging the need for physical distancing, the Co-MASK project recognizes collectiveness through creative social cohesion, which combines responsibility, borderless solidarity, and interpersonal affiliation. ‘联合口罩’项目既承认保持空间上的距离的必要性,也通过创造性的社会凝聚彰显集体精神的价值,这种凝聚结合了责任、无国界的团结和人与人之间的友好。
53782 At the same time, it celebrates individualism through anthropometrics and craft one's hand is a measure for one's mask; one's stitch is a handstamp of one's identity and thus promotes the power of unity in diversities and relevance of each human being for both collectiveness and thread of continuity." 同时,它通过人体测量和手工艺礼赞个人主义——每个人都用自己的手丈量自己口罩的尺寸,用自己的针脚留下自己身份的印记——从而促进多样性基础上的团结,以及个体对集体精神和连续性的认同。”
53783 Dr Amra Hadžimuhamedović, supported translation in Bosnian; Director of Center for Cultural Heritage, International Forum Bosnia, worked with UNESCO for the project "Harnessing reconciliation through the recovery of cultural heritage" and the UNESCO-World Bank project Culture in City Reconstruction and Recovery (CURE) ——哈季姆穆罕默多维奇(Amra Hadžimuhamedović)博士参与了制作指南的波斯尼亚翻译; 他是波斯尼亚国际论坛文化遗产中心主任,曾与教科文组织合作实施“通过恢复文化遗产实现和解”项目以及教科文组织-世界银行“文化在城市重建与恢复中的作用”(CURE)项目。