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53784 What would you like this initiative to achieve on a larger scale? 你希望这个倡议的影响能达到何种规模?
53785 What is your ‘dream perspective’? 你的“梦想”是什么?
53786 The Co-MASK initiative was born from a shift in perspective: by turning the focus from fear to creative generosity.  “联合口罩”倡议诞生于一次视角的转变:抛开恐惧,聚焦创造性的善举。
53787 Looking at the many DIY* masks that were created and gifted as a result from this initiative, but also the many similar initiatives created by others all over the world, all these efforts are collectively contributing to reaching a shared goal: to protect and unite our global community. 看看人们在这一倡议之下制作的自制口罩,以及世界各地其他人发起的许多类似倡议——所有这些努力都在促进一个共同目标的实现:保护和团结我们的全球社区。
53788 While masks ultimately erase our humanity, by erasing our facial expressions and individuality, the Co-Masks re-inscribe that what has been erased with a message of hope and humour.  虽然口罩遮挡了我们的面部表情和个性,从而抹去了我们的人性,但是自制口罩用希望和幽默重新唤醒了这些被遮挡和抹去的东西。
53789 They show how alienation could be turned into empowerment. 它们展示了如何将异化转变为赋能。
53790 For me personally, the Co-MASK is not just a DIY solution, but also an art project. 对我来说,“联合面具”不仅仅是一个“自制”(DIY)解决方案,也是一个艺术项目。
53791 It provides means to expose the inequality of the world we live in and amplify the voices of those who have been silenced. 它提供了揭露我们所生活的世界的不平等的手段,并放大了那些被压制的声音。
53792 To create art in today’s alienated world means inspiring empathy in future generations that can make them less indifferent to the social costs of maintaining their lifestyles and more open to the voices of others, not as a negotiating technique, but as an indispensable, irreducible, and precarious part of the human chorus. 在当今被异化的世界中创造艺术,意味着激发后代的同情心,使他们不再对维持自己生活方式的社会成本漠不关心,而是更加开放地接受他人的声音。这不是一种权宜之计,而是人类大合唱中不可或缺的、不可削减的、变化多端的一部分。
53793 To create projects like the Co-MASK in today’s alienated world means instigating confident idealism in pursuit of a better future. 在当今被异化的世界中发起“联合口罩”这样的项目,意味着激发追求更美好未来的自信的理想主义。