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53824 疫情导致经济活动下降,世界各地城市的污染状况暂时得到改善,二氧化碳排放减少。 In the short term, we have seen how the decline in economic activity has improved levels of pollution in cities around the world, and has led to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, but in no way was it anything other than temporary.
53825 但由于持续的人口、城市化和经济发展等压力,人类将不得不继续面对环境、气候等长期挑战。 I believe that the continuing demographic pressure, the continuing pressure of urbanisation, the continuing pressure of economic development means that we are going to continue to have to grapple with this fundamental longer term challenge and COVID-19 in no way affects that.
53826 短期内,疫情可能增加应对气候变化的困难,比如英中双方均不得不推迟举办《联合国气候变化框架公约》第26次缔约方会议(COP26)和《生物多样性公约》第15次缔约方会议(COP15)。 It's made it more difficult in the short term, of course by forcing China to postpone the Kunming COP15 bio-diversity conference, and forcing the UK to postpone the Glasgow COP26 which was due in November.
53827 刘大使提到这两次会议是中英共同的重要议程,我也希望会议只是暂时推迟, I hope that those postponements are only for a relatively short period of time, because of all the common agendas you, Ambassador, have quite rightly referred to, this one is perhaps the most important of all.
53828 我们不会因疫情和眼前的困难而忽视长期挑战。 It's the most profound and the longest term. We should not allow COVID-19, and the tragedies and difficulties of the present circumstances, to take our eyes off that ball.
53829   我们生活的时代非同寻常。 So there's a lot going on; We live in extraordinary times.
53830 疫情带来的挑战是多方面的,国际关系也不可避免的受到影响。 There are plenty of challenges posed by COVID-19.There are also challenges that affect international relationships inevitably.
53831 对于中美关系这一重大问题,我们欧洲人以期待和祈愿的心态关注其发展,认为中美关系只有在建设性基础上才能向前发展。 The big question of China and America, which we Europeans look at with hope and prayer, but this relationship will only develop on a constructive basis.
53832 因此,我们今天的对话可谓恰逢其时。 And I think that there's therefore plenty of need for us to continue to have the sort of dialogues with what this occasion represents.
53833 “亚洲之家”一直积极为开展各类对话发挥重要的平台作用, One is here at Asia House, we have an extremely important role in providing a platform for these dialogues,