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53834 这些对话既包括从微观经济到宏观经济,也包括贸易秩序等中期问题, both about shorter term issues from micro to macro economics, and about the medium term issues of the trade order,
53835 以及气候变化及其对经济发展影响等长期问题。 and about the longer term issues of climate change cooperation and its impact on economic development.
53836 我就讲到这里。刘大使,不知你是否与我“君子所见略同”? Let me stop there. I wonder if any of what I've just said resonates with you. Ambassador?
53837   刘大使:感谢格林勋爵!对于你谈到的很多问题, Ambassador Liu: Yes, Lord Green. You've touched upon many areas.
53838 有不少方面和观点我都赞同。你谈到了疫情对各个国家的挑战。 I would say that I quite agree with you on many of these areas, and your points. You talk about the challenges in each country.
53839 我认为每个国家的情况各不相同,英国不同于德国、意大利或法国。我们正在密切关注疫情情况。 I think each country is different from the other. The UK is different from Germany, Italy, or France. We follow the situation very closely.
53840 尽管存在差异,但我认为各国在抗击疫情方面仍存在共同之处。 But despite the differences, I think there's a commonality between countries in fighting against this virus.
53841 我在演讲中谈到中英合作,这同样适用于中国与其他国家的合作。 I talked, in my presentation, about China-UK collaboration.
53842 当我们面对这些共同威胁时,各国应该共同合作应对。 I think that also applies to China's collaboration with other countries. When we're faced with these common threats, countries should work together.
53843   第一,我们应该加强互相支持。在医疗物资领域,当中国处于抗疫关键阶段时,英国政府向中国提供了两批急需的医疗物资。 First, I think we should support each other. In terms of medical supplies, when China was at its critical moment, the UK government sent two shipments of most needed medical supplies.