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53844 现在英国正与疫情做斗争,我们同样向英方提供了大力支持。 But now you are fighting your battle, we reciprocate your support.
53845 正如英国内阁办大臣戈夫所说,英方收到中方的防疫医疗物资远远超过英方给中方的防疫捐赠。 Just as Minister Gove said, you received much more than what you donated to China.
53846 目前,英国急需呼吸机, Currently I think the ventilators are badly needed.
53847 中国已经将750台呼吸机运到英国,未来还会更多。 750 ventilators have already been shipped to the UK, and there are more to come.
53848 我们还准备向英国及世界其他国家提供更多其他医疗物资和设备。 There are other medical supplies and equipment that we are ready to supply to the UK and to the world.
53849   第二,我们要开展抗疫经验分享。 The other area is the sharing of experience.
53850 中国是最早取得疫情防控重要阶段性成效的国家之一。我们愿与其他国家分享在疫情防控和诊疗方面的经验。 China is one of the first countries which have achieved important progress, and we'd like to share with other countries our experience on how to contain the virus, and how to treat the patients.
53851 我很高兴地看到,中英双方就此保持密切沟通。英国卫生大臣汉考克昨天与中国卫生健康委主任马晓伟通了电话, I'm very pleased that we are keeping constant communications between the two sides. Secretary Matt Hancock just had a telephone conversation yesterday with his counterpart Ma Xiaowei, the Chinese Health Minister.
53852 双方就中英抗疫合作进行了非常富有成果和深入的讨论。 They had a very productive and in-depth discussion on collaboration between China and the UK in fighting against the virus, shared experience and compared notes.
53853   第三,我们要加强抗疫国际合作。 The third area is international cooperation.