ID 原文 译文
53864 今年初,我曾讲,今年是中英气候变化合作之年。 At the very beginning of this year, I regarded it as a year of China-UK collaboration on climate change.
53865 尽管面临疫情挑战,中英两国仍就此保持密切沟通。 As a matter of fact, our two countries worked very closely and coordinated with each other despite the virus.
53866 会议虽然推迟,但工作仍在推进。 Although we have to postpone the conferences, the preparation work is still going on.
53867 我同英国商业、能源与产业战略部大臣兼COP26主席夏尔马保持密切沟通,积极推动他与新上任的中国生态环境部部长黄润秋建立工作联系, I keep very close communication with Secretary Sharma. He is designated as the President for COP26, and we have got a new Minister of Environment. So I tried to get the two connected.
53868 两国工作组也通过网上保持沟通。 The working teams of our two countries are still talking to each other online. This is an issue that we should not ignore.
53869   另一个重要问题是,当我们加强抗疫国际合作时,也应共同反对“政治病毒”。 The other important issue is that when we are enhancing international collaboration on fighting against COVID-19 virus, we should also be on guard against a political virus.
53870 正如我在演讲中所说,一些政客和一些势力试图寻找“替罪羊”,企图对外“甩锅”、转嫁责任。 Like I said in my speech, some politicians and some forces try to find a scapegoat and to play a game of blaming in order to shirk their responsibility.
53871 各国政府应集中精力应对疫情,保护本国人民生命安全,而不是相互攻击和破坏国际合作。 You know we call on governments of all countries to focus on fighting the virus, on protecting the lives of its people, rather than fighting each other, rather than undermining the international collaboration. That is also very important.
53872 对一些美国政客对中国的指责,我们坚决反对。这种针对中国的抹黑无助于国际社会合作抗疫。 So we are very disappointed, and are rejecting these so-called accusations by some of the American politicians. We don't think this disinformation against China serves the purpose of international response to this virus.
53873   关于中美关系,我们完全有理由建立稳定和良好的关系。近一个时期,习近平主席与特朗普总统多次通话。 On China-US relations, we have every reason to have a sound and good relationship. President Xi had several telephone conversations with President Trump.