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53874 我们始终认为中美合则两利、斗则俱伤。一个稳定和良好的中美关系不仅符合中美两国利益,也符合世界各国的利益。 We always believe that China and the US will gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. We also believe it is not only in the interests of China and the US to have a sound and good relationship, but it's also in the interests of the world.
53875 我们希望在不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的基础上与美国保持良好关系,但是这需要中美双方相向而行。 We would like to have a good relationship with the US, based on mutual respect, non-confrontation and mutual collaboration, and we are working towards this goal. But you need two to tango, right?
53876 当中国领导人和中国的驻外使节、外交官们在全世界大力倡导构建人类命运共同体,支持国际社会增强抗疫必胜信心的时候, You know, while the Chinese leaders, or Chinese ambassadors, Chinese diplomats are spreading the words of community of shared future for mankind, and are trying very hard to shore up the confidence of international community,
53877 一些国家的政客和官员在干什么?他们到处散布假消息和谣言——这毫无助益! some politicians, some people are trying to spread disinformation and rumors in the world - that is not helpful at all!
53878 我们真诚希望中美加强合作,也希望国际社会加强合作,以实现符合全人类利益的共同目标。 So we really hope that China and the US could work together, and the international community could work together for the common goal that serves the interests of all mankind.
53879   怡和集团董事亚当·凯瑟克:刘大使,你好!感谢刘大使和格林勋爵,你们刚才的发言令人鼓舞。 Adam Keswick from Jardine Matheson Holdings: Hello Ambassador. Thank you for your words, and Stephen, yours too. I thought it is very encouraging to hear everything you've said.
53880 我相信,我们为抗疫而建立的沟通网络,在战胜疫情后同样能促进世界经济发展。 I hope that the networks of communications that have been put in place to fight this virus can be continued to promote the economy after we've tackled this, which I'm sure we will.
53881 刘大使在演讲中对中国所作努力做了全面介绍,令人欣慰。 Ambassador, your views of what China will be doing, all of which I took a lot of comfort from.
53882 现在,国际社会都很关注中国全国人民代表大会何时召开。 But more specifically, I feel that the eyes of the world will be watching the upcoming NPC meeting whenever that takes place.
53883 有消息称,这次大会可能会在今年5月晚些时候召开。 But presuming it will be sometime later in May, it would be very interesting to get your views on what specific messages,