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53884 你认为这次大会将对外传递什么具体信息?这些信息将如何增强国际社会抗疫信心、推动世界经济恢复到正常状态?希望听听你的看法。 do you think, are going to come out of that meeting that the rest of the world can take further comfort from in terms of battling the virus, and also a return to some form of economic normality. Just be interested to have your views on that.
53885   刘大使:你提到的会议很重要。 Ambassador Liu: I think this will be very important.
53886 每年的“两会”是中国政治生活中的一件大事。今年的“两会”受疫情影响推迟了。 We call it the two sessions. It has been postponed.
53887 今年的“两会”将不只为今年中国发展制定规划,还将制定未来五年的“十四五”规划,意义更加深远。 It will set policies and the guidance, not only for the development of China for this year. I think it will draw the plan, or what we call the 14th Five-Year Plan. So, the significance of the two sessions will go beyond this year.
53888 当然,抗击新冠肺炎疫情将是“两会”的重要议程。正如我在演讲中所说,疫情既带来挑战,也为中国进一步发展提供机遇。 Of course, the COVID-19 will be high on the agenda. And I wouldn't speculate what others will be on the agenda. But as I said in my speech that COVID-19 not only poses challenges to China but also creates opportunities for the development.
53889 我认为,“两会”的代表们将会聚焦中国未来发展的新领域和新增长点。 I think both delegates of the National People's Congress and deputies of the People's Political Consultative Conference will focus on what are the new areas, what are the new points of growth for the future development.
53890 我建议你密切关注今年中国“两会”。 So, I would recommend you to follow these two sessions very closely.
53891   必和必拓公司国际关系和公共事务副总裁埃罗伯茨:很高兴听到刘大使全面介绍中国经济正走出危机。必和必拓与中国客户保持着非常密切的联系。 Emma Roberts from BHP: Ambassador, it is very good to hear your summary of China's economy as it's moving out of the crisis and BHP obviously has very strong relationship with its Chinese customers for its commodities.
53892 截至目前,我们感到即使在中国疫情高峰期,中国客户对我们公司产品的需求仍保持稳定,这让我们能够继续向中国提供产品。 So far we've seen this demand remain rather stable even during the peak of the crisis within China. BHP has been able to work with its customers to continue that supply.
53893 当然,我认为难免还会有一些关切。例如,近期部分媒体关注中国对外需求在今年下半年会否放缓。 However, I think there's certainly some concerns and there's been some recent press report about whether that demand from China may ease off towards the later part of the year.