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53894 同时,西方国家正尝试退出封锁隔离措施,实现经济恢复运转仍很艰难,中国从西方国家的进口可能下滑。 Perhaps China experiences dropping in exports from Western economies as Western economies try to come out of their lock down and struggle to get their economies up and running.
53895 你对中国经济走出危机和保持快速发展势头有何看法?受西方经济复苏乏力影响,中国经济面临的风险会增加,还会保持稳定和强劲? What's your thought on China's continued emergence from its crisis and the continued risk of China's economy? Do you see a dipping in that as the western economies struggling to get back, or remain rather steady and strong?
53896   刘大使:我认为,随着逐步复工达产,中国仍将是世界经济发展的动力源。目前全国规模以上工业企业平均开工率已达到99%,中国将继续扮演“世界工厂”的角色。 Ambassador Liu: I think China will continue to play a role, as a powerhouse of the world economy, as China gradually resumes its production. As 99% of the major industries have resumed, China will continue to play a role as the world factory.
53897 中国市场规模巨大,将为促进全球经济恢复增长做出贡献。 China is a huge market. So we will contribute to the resumption of global growth. The outbreak of Covid-19 really brings some opportunities for us to restructure our economy.
53898 此次疫情也为中国经济加快转型带来机会,包括“宅经济”、数字经济、人工智能及医疗卫生等领域都具有很大的发展潜力。例如, Some areas might have great potentials, including stay-home economy, digital economy, AI and also medical area. Here's an example.
53899 从3月1日到4月10日,中国出口了约72亿个口罩,5557万件防护服,2万台呼吸机和1300万副护目镜。 From March 1st to April 10th, China exported about 7.2 billion masks, 35.57 million protective gowns, 20,000 ventilators and 13 million goggles.
53900 中国已经成为全球医疗用品的主要供应地,这不仅是中国对全球抗疫的贡献,也有助于打造未来的产业链、供应链。 So China is really a source of medical supplies. That is also China's contribution, not only to the global response to the virus, but also it will help build the industrial and supply chain in the future.
53901   中国致力于构建开放型世界经济。中国过去40多年来取得巨大成功,得益于改革开放。 China is committed to building an open world economy. China has achieved success in the past 40 years because of the policy of reform and opening up.
53902 我认为,中国未来继续成功,同样有赖于坚持改革开放。对中国而言,没有任何理由关上大门,也没有任何理由停止改革。 I think China will stick to this policy to continue its success. There's no reason for China to close its door or discontinue the reform.
53903 因此,中国的改革将继续推进,对世界开放的大门只会越开越大。第127届广交会将于今年6月在网上举办, So reform will be going on and China will be open wider to the world. The 127th China Import and Export Fair will be held online in June.