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53904 第三届中国国际进口博览会将于11月举办,这些为中国与世界加强互利合作提供了宝贵机会。 And also the third China Import Expo will be held in November. These will be very valuable opportunities for China to engage with the outside world.
53905 我已与英国国际贸易部高级官员和商界领袖进行沟通,邀请他们出席这两场重要活动。 I've been talking to British senior officials from Department of International Trade, as well as business leaders in the UK, inviting them to participate in these two events.
53906 这将为中英两国共同推动重振世界经济提供重要机遇。 It will provide enormous opportunities for our two countries to work together to resume the momentum of economic growth.
53907   阿斯利康公司英国政府与国际关系副总监曼:感谢刘大使所作精彩演讲。阿斯利康公司一直高度重视对华合作。 Laura Mann from AstraZeneca: Thank you so much for your excellent remarks. AstraZeneca places very high value on partnership with China before and during COVID-19.
53908 疫情暴发以来,我们与中国以及世界卫生组织、世界经济论坛合作,向全球有需要的国家捐赠了900万个口罩。 We've been able to donate nine million masks around the world, and to the countries most in need, in partnership with the World Health Organization and World Economic Forum.
53909 你认为未来深化英中关系有哪些重要机遇?例如,在医疗卫生、生命科学等领域的合作。 I wondered, in your head, what do you see as the further opportunities to continue to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the UK and China? For example, in health care and life sciences.
53910   刘大使:正如我刚才所讲,中英两国高层保持密切沟通。 Ambassador Liu: As I said earlier, our two countries keep talking to each other at the very high level.
53911 习近平主席与约翰逊首相1个多月内两次通电话,这非常罕见。 You know, President Xi Jinping had two telephone conversations with Prime Minister Johnson within just a bit more than one month. That was very rare.
53912 我担任中国驻英国大使10年有余,从未见过两国领导人在这么短的时间内进行如此密集的沟通。 I've been here as ambassador for more than 10 years, and I've never seen our top leaders have such intensive communications in such a short period of time.
53913 中央外事工作委员会办公室主任杨洁篪与英内阁秘书兼首相国家安全顾问塞德维尔、王毅国务委员兼外长与英国外交大臣拉布等两国高官也保持密切沟通。 On the ministerial level, we are having very intensive communications, as Director Yang Jiechi talked to Sir Mark Sedwill, and State Counselor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked to Secretary Raab.