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53934   刘大使:中国对疫情从一开始就采取公开、透明、负责任的态度。 Ambassador Liu: China has been open, transparent and responsible from the very beginning.
53935 我们邀请世卫组织专家来华,他们不仅访问了武汉,还访问了其他城市。 We have invited the WHO experts to come to China. They visited not only Wuhan but also other places and cities.
53936 访问后他们发布了一份非常全面详实的报告,不知道你是否读过。我听到关于所谓中国掩盖和隐藏疫情的猜测和虚假信息,这些都不是事实。 They came up with a very extensive and comprehensive report about their study in China. I hear quite a lot of speculation and disinformation that the Chinese are covering up and hiding something. This is not true.
53937 一些人抱有先入为主的偏见,每当听到美国政客指责中国掩盖事实的时候,都会随波逐流。 I do not know if you have read the WHO report. Some people already have a prejudgment. Each time they hear American politicians accusing and criticizing China for hiding or covering up, they just turn to them.
53938 但是,当中国外交部发言人讲出事实真相的时候,西方媒体却很少报道,因为他们对中国抱有很深的偏见。这就是问题的症结。 But when Chinese spokesman spoke about the fact, I read very little coverage here in Western media. They already had a prejudgment and bias against China. That's the problem.
53939   我建议包括英国媒体在内的西方媒体要秉持平衡、客观立场。我并非要求你们对中国友好,只是要求你们保持平衡、公正的立场。 I would advise the media including the British media to be balanced and objective. I'm not calling on you to be friendly to China, but just to be balanced.
53940 你们报道美国国务卿对中国的所谓“批评”,实际上他是在对中国污名化。同时,你们更应该报道中国的反驳论点,更应该报道世卫组织对此的评论。 While you are reporting what the US Secretary of State is so-called "criticizing" but actually "stigmatizing" China, you should also report the counter argument of China. You should also report the WHO's comment on it.
53941 那些固守偏见的媒体,只会报道他们想听的东西,而不会报道故事的另一面。这就是问题之所在。 When the media have this bias, they only report something they would like to hear. They don't report the other side of the story. That's the problem.
53942   中国政府对抗疫公开、透明、负责任并且反应迅速。美国抱怨中国在疫情暴发后一个月没有分享信息、也没有向世卫组织和其他国际组织报告,这不是事实。 The Chinese government has been transparent and open, and has responded very quickly. When Americans complain that China has not shared information and has not reported to the WHO and international organizations one month after the outbreak, that's not true.
53943 新冠病毒最早由张继先医生于2019年12月27日首次报告,要早于李文亮医生。李文亮医生是个英雄,为抗击疫情而牺牲了。 The virus was first reported on 27th of December by Dr. Zhang Jixian. She reported much earlier than Dr. Li Wenliang. We recognize Dr. Li as a hero and he gave his life fighting this virus.