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54004 In addition, the World Health Organization said on April 24 that there’s no evidence yet that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection. 另外,世界卫生组织于4月24日表示,尚无证据表明感染新冠病毒康复且带抗体者不会二次感染。
54005 Why wasn’t there a second wave of SARS? 为什么没有出现第二波非典?
54006 The 2002-2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Asia never reached the scope of a pandemic. 亚洲2002年至2003年暴发的非典疫情从未达到大流行的规模。
54007 Though caused by a coronavirus, it wasn’t as contagious as the one responsible for Covid-19. 尽管它是由冠状病毒引起的,但传染性不像新冠病毒那么强。
54008 Its spread was mainly restricted to hospitals and other settings where people came in close contact with the body fluids of infected patients. 其传播主要限于人们与受感染患者的体液密切接触的医院和其他场所。
54009 Ebola is another pathogen relatively new to humans. 埃博拉是另一种对人类来说相对较新的病原体。
54010 There have been periodic outbreaks in Africa, but while the virus is highly contagious in some settings, it hasn’t been sufficiently infectious to spread around the world like the coronavirus. 非洲定期暴发埃博拉疫情,但是,尽管这种病毒在某些地方具有高度感染性,但其感染性不足以像新冠病毒那样在全世界扩散。
54011 What are the prospects for second waves of coronavirus? 发生第二波新冠疫情的可能性有多大?
54012 There have been hints that a second wave is a risk. 有迹象表明,可能会出现第二波疫情。
54013 Some areas that were shut down by the virus and then reopened had restrictions reimposed because of new cases. 由于出现新发病例,此前因新冠病毒而封锁、随后重新开放的一些地区再次实施了限制措施。