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54083 驻澳使馆发言人答记者问 Chinese Embassy's Spokesperson Responding to a Question on Ambassador Cheng Jingye's Phone Call with DFAT Sectary Frances Adamson
54084 问:近日有澳媒报道了成竞业大使与澳外交贸易部秘书长孙芳安27日通话内容。 Question: Some Australian media have reported the phone call between H.E. Ambassador Cheng Jingye and DFAT Secretary Frances Adamson.
54085 中方是否认为相关报道属实? Do you consider the reported content true to the fact?
54086 答:我注意到了澳媒有关报道,这些报道具有误导性。 Spokesperson: I noticed relevant reports by Australian media, which are misleading.
54087 成竞业大使27日应约与澳外交贸易部秘书长孙芳安通电话,我愿介绍通话的主要内容。 On 27 April, Ambassador Cheng Jingye took a phone call from DFAT Secretary Frances Adamson, I would like to highlight the content of their conversation as follows:
54088 孙芳安秘书长首先高度评价武汉实现病例清零,并感谢中方为澳方8家企业在华采购相关医疗物资提供的协助。 Secretary Adamson firstly congratulated on and spoke highly of Wuhan's accomplishment that there is no longer any confirmed COVID-19 case, and appreciated the assistance rendered by the Chinese side on the purchase of medical supplies in China by eight Australian companies.
54089 成大使肯定了澳方抗击疫情取得的积极进展。 Ambassador Cheng also recognized the progress achieved in Australia in fighting COVID-19 .
54090 孙芳安秘书长为澳方有关国际调查的建议作了很多辩解,强调该建议是非政治性和不针对中国的,承认现在不是开展调查的时机,澳方也没有具体方案,不希望此事影响澳中关系。 Secretary Adamson tried her best to defend Australia's proposal about the independent review, saying the proposal neither has political motive nor targets China. She also admitted it is not the time to commence the review now and Australia has no details of the proposal. She further said that Australia does not want the matter to have any impact on Australia-China relationship.
54091 成大使详细阐述了中方相关立场,指出无论澳方怎么辩解,都掩盖不了有关建议是政治操弄的事实。 Ambassador Cheng elaborated clearly China's relevant position, stressing that no matter what excuses the Australian side has made, the fact can not be buried that the proposal is a political maneuver.
54092 正如西方谚语所说,“表面叫卖酒,实际出售醋”。 Just as a western saying goes: Cry up wine and sell vinegar.