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54093 成大使严辞拒绝了澳方就其近日接受《澳金融评论报》采访时有关表态的关切,要求澳方放下意识形态偏见,停止政治操弄,多做有利于双边关系发展的事。 Ambassador Cheng flatly rejected the concern expressed from the Australian side over his remarks during the recent AFR interview, and called on Australia to put aside ideological bias, stop political games and do more thing to promote the bilateral relations.
54101 医疗机构就诊防护 Prevention and Control for Visiting Medical Institutions
54102 国家卫生健康委在2020年1月30日印发的《新冠病毒感染不同风险人群防护指南》中,对需要到医疗机构就诊的出行人员提出防护建议: In the Guide on Protecting People Against Different Risks of Novel Coronavirus Infection, released on January 30, the NHC provided the following advice to individuals who need to visit a medical institution:
54103 佩戴医用外科口罩,并保持手清洁; * Wear a surgical mask and keep hands clean;
54104 尽量避免乘坐地铁、公交车等交通工具,避免前往人群密集的场所; * Avoid taking subway, bus or other public transportation, and avoid going to crowded places;
54105 就诊时应主动告知医务人员相关疾病流行地区的旅行居住史,以及与他人接触情况,配合医疗卫生机构开展相关调查。 * Inform medical staff of their histories of travel to or residence in the epidemic regions and contacts with others, and cooperate with the medical institution to carry out relevant investigations.
54106 同时,医疗机构应做好就诊患者的管理,合理配置医务人员,降低医疗机构内感染的风险; Medical institutions should strengthen patient management, allocate medical staff properly, and reduce the risks for hospital-acquired infection.
54107 发现疑似或确诊感染新冠病毒的患者时,依法采取隔离或控制传播措施,并按照规定对患者的陪同人员和其他密切接触人员采取医学观察及其他必要的预防措施;不具备新冠肺炎救治能力的医疗机构,应及时将患者转诊到定点救治医院。 When a suspected or confirmed case is identified, quarantine or containment should be taken in accordance with law, and medical observation and other necessary precautions should be provided to the patient escorts and other close contacts. The institutions lack of the capability for treating COVID-19 should transfer the patients to designated hospitals in a timely manner.
54108 疑似病例防控 Prevention and Control for Suspected Cases
54109 国家卫生健康委在2020年1月22日发布的《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控方案(第二版)》中,明确提出了新冠肺炎病例监测方案、流行病学调查方案、可疑暴露者和密切接触者管理方案以及实验室检测技术指南,提出加强组织领导、病例发现与报告、流行病学调查等9项防控措施,指导各级各类医疗机构、各级疾控机构开展病例监测、发现和报告工作。 In the Protocol for Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia Prevention and Control (2nd Edition), released on January 22, the NHC laid out guidelines for monitoring of the patients, epidemiological investigations, and management of suspicious exposures and close contacts, and technical guidelines for laboratory testing. Nine measures of prevention and control, including strengthening organization and leadership, case detection and report, and epidemiological investigation, were provided to guide healthcare facilities and disease control centers at all levels on monitoring, detecting and reporting infections.