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54120 《指南》建议,居家发热患者应注意休息,营养均衡,饮食宜清淡;多饮温水,少饮冰凉饮料,保证脾胃功能正常; As advised in the Protocol, fever patients at home should get good rest, keep a light and well-balanced diet, and take warm water instead of cold drinks to ensure normal functions of the spleen and stomach.
54121 避免盲目或不恰当使用抗菌药物; Blind or improper use of antibiotics should be avoided.
54122 严格正确佩戴口罩,与家人分餐,与家人保持距离1.5米以上; Separate meals are encouraged at home. They should wear a mask correctly, and maintain at least 1.5-meter distance from other family members.
54123 怕冷、发热、肌肉酸痛、咳嗽者,可选用具有解热散寒、清热解毒、宣肺止咳类中成药; For symptoms of feeling chills, fever, myalgia and cough, Chinese patent medicines (CPMs) for releasing heat, dissipating cold, detoxifying, and diffusing the lung to suppress cough could be taken;
54124 乏力倦怠,恶心、食欲下降、腹泻者,可选用具有化湿解表类中成药; for fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and diarrhea, CPMs for resolving dampness and releasing the exterior;
54125 发热伴有咽痛明显者,可选用具有清热解毒利咽功能类中成药; for fever and obvious sore throat, CPMs for releasing heat, detoxifying, and soothing the throat;
54126 发热伴有大便不畅者,可加用具有通腑泻热类制剂。 and for fever and poor bowel movement, Chinese medicine preparations for relaxing the bowels and purging heat could be added.
54127 此外,如果居家发热患者体温升高至38.5℃以上,可采取温湿毛巾或冰贴等物理降温措施,建议口服解热镇痛类、清热解毒类中成药。 If the temperature of a fever patient at home rises above 38.5℃, such measures as warm and wet towels and ice sticks could be used for physical cooling, and oral administration of CPMs for releasing heat, easing pain, and detoxifying is recommended.
54128 如果患者体温持续2小时以上不退,出现胸闷、气短、心率增快、腹泻或呕吐加重,建议到定点医院、发热门诊就诊。 If the high temperature remains for more than 2 hours and the symptoms of chest distress, shortness of breath, as well as increased heart rate, diarrhea or vomiting are developed, it is advised to visit a designated hospital or fever clinic.
54129 如果呼吸频率出现呼吸频率≥30次/分,伴呼吸困难及口唇发绀等表现,应拨打120急救电话,由急救医护人员转运到定点医院、发热门诊救治。 If the respiratory frequency is higher than 30/minute, and there are symptoms of breathing difficulties and blue lips, call 120 for first aid to send him/her to a designated hospital or fever clinic by medical personnel.