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54130 居家隔离人员防控 Prevention and Control for People Under Home Quarantine
54131 居家隔离是科学防控的必要手段,也是阻止病毒传播蔓延的重要方法之一。 Home quarantine is a scientific way and an important means to contain the virus from spreading.
54132 为指导居家隔离医学观察的人员做好个人防护,预防和控制感染,国家卫生健康委在2020年2月5日印发的《新冠肺炎防控中居家隔离医学观察感染防控指引(试行)》中,对居家隔离医学观察随访者、居家隔离医学观察人员及其家庭成员或室友等相关人员的感染防控措施作出详细介绍。 The Guidelines on Medical Observation at Home for COVID-19 Prevention and Control (Trial), released by the NHC on February 5, detailed the measures for people under home quarantine and their family members/roommates, and staff conducting follow-up visits to them.
54133 根据该防控指引,居家隔离医学观察人员感染防控应注意: According to its suggestions, people under home quarantine and medical observation should do the following:
54134 可选择家庭中通风较好的房间隔离,多开窗通风,保持房门随时关闭; * Stay in a well-ventilated room, and keep windows open for ventilation but door closed;
54135 在打开与其他家庭成员或室友相通的房门时先开窗通风; * Open the window of their room for ventilation before opening the door that connects to where family members or roommates live;
54136 不随意离开隔离房间,必须离开隔离房间时,先戴好外科口罩,洗手或手消毒后再出门; * Avoid leaving the room, and wear a surgical mask, wash or sanitize hands before going out, if they must;
54137 尽可能减少与其他家庭成员或室友接触,保持1米以上距离并尽量处于下风向; * Minimize contacts with family members or roommates, keep a distance of at least one meter from them, and try to be in the downwind direction;
54138 避免使用中央空调; * Not use the central air-conditioning;
54139 保持充足休息和充足营养,最好在隔离房间内进食、饮水; * Get adequate rest and nutrition, and eat and drink in their own room;