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54140 分时段共用卫生间,用后通风并用酒精等消毒剂对身体接触的物体表面清洁消毒; * Timeshare bathrooms, and after usage, keep the bathroom ventilated, and use alcohol and other disinfectants to sterilize all the surfaces of objects that are subject to physical contacts;
54141 讲究咳嗽礼仪,咳嗽时用纸巾遮盖口鼻,不随地吐痰,纸巾及口罩用后丢入专门的带盖垃圾桶内; * Practice the Cough Etiquette: covering mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing; no spitting; and putting the used tissues and masks into special waste receptacles with covers;
54142 用过的物品及时清洁消毒; * Clean and disinfect immediately all objects they have used;
54143 按居家隔离医学观察通知,每日上下午测量体温,自觉发热时随时测量并记录; * Follow the notice for medical observation at home to measure body temperature every morning and afternoon or anytime when they have a fever;
54144 出现发热、咳嗽、气促等急性呼吸道症状时,及时联系隔离点观察人员。 * Contact staff at the quarantine center if they develop acute respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, and panting.
54145 此外,居家隔离医学观察人员的家庭成员、室友、物业保洁人员、保安人员等需接触居家隔离观察对象时,也应注意防控,正确穿戴和摘脱防护用品。 If family members, roommates, staff of property management, cleaning and security, and other people need to come into contact with the people under medical observation at home, they are recommended to correctly wear and remove protective suits.
54146 有疾病流行地区居住旅行史人员防控 Prevention and Control for People with Travel and Residence History in Epidemic Areas
54147 根据国家卫生健康委在2020年1月29日发布的《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控公众预防指南汇编》,在两周内有武汉等疾病流行地区居住、旅行史的人员应做好登记、隔离和酌情就医等防控措施。 According to the Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia, released by the NHC on January 29, people who have lived in or traveled to epidemic areas like Wuhan in the previous two weeks should take prevention and control measures, including registration, quarantine, and getting medical attention as appropriate.
54148 具体包括: Specifically, they should do the following:
54149 尽快到所在村支部或社区登记,减少外出活动,尤其是避免到人员密集的公共场所活动; * Register at local community or village administration as soon as possible, and avoid outdoor activities, especially visits to crowded public places;