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54260 各地学生均应尽量居家,减少走亲访友、聚会聚餐,减少到人员密集的公共场所活动; * Stay at home, reduce visits to relatives and friends, parties and collective dining, and reduce visits to crowded public areas;
54261 每日进行健康监测,并根据社区或学校要求向社区或学校指定负责人报告。 * Conduct daily health monitoring and report to the designated people as required by the community or school.
54262 寒假结束时,学生如无可疑症状,可正常返校; * Return to school at the end of winter vacation if having no suspicious symptoms;
54263 如有可疑症状,应报告学校或由监护人报告学校,及时就医,待痊愈后再返校; * Report to the school if having suspicious symptoms, seek medical advice in a timely manner, and return to school after recovery;
54264 返校途中,乘坐公共交通工具时全程佩戴医用外科口罩或N95口罩,随时保持手卫生,做好旅途中健康监测,避免与可疑症状人员近距离接触; * Wear surgical or N95 masks on public transportation on the way back school, keep hand hygiene, do health monitoring, and avoid close contact with people of suspicious symptoms;
54265 若旅途中出现可疑症状,应主动戴上医用外科口罩或N95口罩,尽量避免接触其他人员,并视病情及时就医; * Wear surgical or N95 masks in case of suspicious symptoms during the journey, avoid contact with others, and seek medical advice in a timely manner depending on the condition;
54266 如需前往医疗机构就诊时,应主动告知旅行居住史,妥善保存旅行票据信息,配合相关密切接触者调查等。 * Inform the doctor about travel and residence history, preserve the travel tickets and information, and cooperate with the investigation about close contacts.
54267 儿童防控 Prevention and Control for Children
54268 儿童是新冠肺炎的易感人群之一。 Children are one of the vulnerable groups of the novel coronavirus.
54269 2020年2月2日,国务院应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控机制发出通知,要求做好儿童和孕产妇新冠肺炎疫情防控工作。 On February 2, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a notice on ensuring effective control of the children and pregnant women.