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54270 根据国家卫生健康委在2020年1月29日发布的《新型冠状病毒防控指南(第一版)》,儿童群体的主要防控措施包括: According to the Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), the main prevention and control measures for children included:
54271 尽量避免外出,不到人员密集和空间密闭的场所,不走亲访友,不与有呼吸道感染症状的人接触; * Reduce outdoor activities as much as possible, avoid going to crowded or poorly ventilated spaces, and avoid visiting relatives and friends or contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory tract infection;
54272 确需外出的要正确佩戴口罩,做好防护措施; * Take good protection such as wearing a facial mask while going out;
54273 要养成打喷嚏或咳嗽时用纸巾或袖肘遮住嘴巴、鼻子的习惯; * Cover mouth and nose with tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing;
54274 如果有发烧、生病的情况,一定要配合家长及时去医院就医; * Go to hospital with parents in time in case of a fever or illness;
54275 家长要加强居室通风,做好室内消毒,创造清洁生活环境; * Parents should improve room ventilation, and do indoor disinfection to create a clean living environment;
54276 外出回家后洗手更衣再接触儿童; * After returning from public areas, parents should wash hands and change clothes before contacting children;
54277 家长要教会儿童正确的洗手方法,督促儿童勤洗手、不乱摸,适度运动、合理膳食、作息规律,帮助儿童养成良好的卫生习惯等。 * Parents should teach children correct way of hand washing, urge children to wash their hands frequently, avoid touching public objects, balance nutrition and exercise moderately, work and rest regularly, and help children develop good health habits.
54278 老年人防控 Prevention and Control for the Elderly
54279 老年人免疫功能弱,是传染病的易感人群和高危易发人群,本次新冠肺炎疫情的危重症人群中老年人居多。 The elderly with weak immune function are susceptible and high-risk groups of infectious diseases, and they are the majority of the severe and critical cases among the COVID-19 patients.