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54280 2020年1月28日,国家卫生健康委印发《关于做好老年人新冠肺炎疫情防控工作的通知》,要求将老年人的疫情防控作为当前的重要工作来抓,采取有效措施,切实降低老年人感染率,尽最大努力减少重症和死亡病例。 On January 28, the NHC issued a notice on epidemic prevention and control among the elderly, requiring effective measures to reduce the infection rate, severe cases and deaths.
54281 全国老龄工作委员会办公室发布的《给老年朋友的一封信》倡议,老年人要科学防控,不要过度恐慌; The Office of the National Working Committee on Aging published a letter calling for the senior citizens to take scientific measures against the disease and not to panic;
54282 尽量减少外出,做好个人防护; reduce outdoor activities and have personal protection;
54283 注重补充营养和食品卫生; balance nutrition and ensure food hygiene;
54284 合理适度锻炼身体; exercise moderately;
54285 主动学习相关防护知识等。 and take protective tips.
54286 根据国家卫生健康委在2020年1月29日发布的《新型冠状病毒防控指南(第一版)》,老年人群的主要防控措施包括: According to the Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), the main prevention and control measures for the elderly included:
54287 确保老人掌握预防新冠肺炎的个人防护措施、手卫生要求、卫生和健康习惯; * Learn necessary personal protective ways against the disease, keep hands clean, and maintain hygiene and health habits;
54288 避免共用个人物品,注意通风,落实消毒措施; * Avoid sharing personal items, keep ventilation, and take disinfection measures;
54289 倡导老人养成经常洗手的好习惯; * Wash hand frequently;