ID 原文 译文
54290 老人出现可疑症状时,应自我隔离,避免与其他人员近距离接触,由医护人员对其健康状况进行评估,视病情状况送至医疗机构就诊; * Take self-quarantine and avoid close contact with others in case of suspicious symptoms, and ask the medical staff assess their health status and send them to medical institution for treatment depending on the condition;
54291 注意及时佩戴医用外科口罩,并避免乘坐公共交通工具; * Wear surgical masks and avoid taking public transportation when going to hospital;
54292 曾与可疑症状者有无有效防护的密切接触者,应立即登记,并进行医学观察; * Anyone who has taken no effective protection when having close contact with someone with suspicious symptoms should be registered immediately and put under medical observation;
54293 减少不必要的聚会、聚餐等群体性活动,不安排集中用餐等。 * Reduce unnecessary gatherings, dinner parties and other group activities, and avoid collective dining.
54294 此外,若出现可疑症状的老人被确诊为新冠肺炎,其密切接触者应接受14天医学观察。 If the elderly with suspicious symptoms are diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, their close contacts need to receive 14 days of medical observation.
54295 病人离开后(如住院、死亡等),应及时对住所进行终末消毒。 After the patient leave (such as hospitalization and death), the residence must be disinfected in time.
54325 《中国抗疫功不可没》 China, an Important Contributor in Fighting against COVID-19
54326 驻格林纳达大使赵永琛 By H.E. Dr.Zhao Yongchen, Chinese Ambassador to Grenada
54327   自从新冠肺炎病毒在武汉暴发以来,在中国共产党和中国政府坚强领导下, Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government,
54328 中国人民团结一心,发挥社会主义制度的巨大优势,展开顽强的斗争,付出巨大的牺牲,取得了抗击疫情阶段性胜利。 the Chinese people have united as one, fully brought to bear the strengths of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, through tenacious efforts and enormous sacrifice, we achieved the initial stage victory against the epidemic.